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The Children's Gallery was inaugurated at the Hong Kong Science Museum on April 5, 2017, from right to the left, with Mr. Bruno MAQUART, President of Universcience, Mr. Eric BERTI, Consul General of France in Hong Kong and Macau, Ms Michelle LI Mei-sheung, JP, Director of Leisure and Cultural Services, Ms Florence HUI Hiu Fai, SBS, JP, Under Secretary for Home Affairs.
At the UK Association for Science and Discovery Centres (ASDC). Apply by 2 May 2017
Five years after hosting an Exhibit Prototyping Conference, we were delighted to once again provide the venue for another exhibit development event. This time the interactive exhibits were based around a common theme - Maths. We were joined by representatives from ten science centres in Norway and had two busy days, building, testing, tinkering and developing ideas into great exhibits. Alongside the prototyping there were presentations and discussions on elements that make up a good interactive exhibit, and how to achieve best practices in exhibit design, development and evaluation.
In February 2016 we were arwarded a contract to design and fabricate Kuglebane (lit. ball track), a 150 sqm huge kinetic rolling ball sculpture featuring 1,500 single components, to be placed within the HAVNEN (lit. Port) gallery of Experimentarium in Hellerup, Denmark.
The ‘dayfinding app’ for Tate Gallery London has been awarded the iF Gold Design Award in the category Service Design. The app was developed by Fabrique and Q42, with creative consultancy on concept and user experience by NorthernLight.
At Città della Scienza, Napoli, Italy. Starts from the infinitely little secrets of the human body, to reach huge and mainly unexplored ones of the universe we see looking up.
At the Deutsches Museum, Munich, Germany. An exhibition centred around multimedia role plays, where visitors themselves make decisions on the energy turnaround.
At the National Museum of Scotland, UK. Major family-friendly exhibition exploring the fascinating world of primates.