fbpx Ecsite | The European Network of Science Centres and Museums
329 members
196 Science Centres/Museums,
21 Natural History Museums,
27 Research bodies,
37 Private companies,
9 Festivals,
9 Professional networks,
and 30 other organisations

Spokes is the monthly magazine of Ecsite, the European network of science centres and museums. Hear the latest news from European science engagement, go further with in-depth features and make the most of the good reads, events and opportunities shared by Ecsite members.

Spokes magazine #31, March 2024

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Through Ecsite, members have the opportunity to participate in collaborative projects shaping the future of science engagement. Ecsite runs projects funded by the European Commission as well as initiatives in partnership with other organisations.



Useful documents and information on science engagement in general, and Ecsite activities in particular. Browse through articles, toolkits, reports, websites.

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Material for workshops and exhibitions

Water-Mining mind-mapping guidelines for teacher or facilitators

Education & learning, Topics in science
Mind maps, water, games, sustainability, education
Material for workshops and exhibitions

A shorter (crash) version of the Water-Mining PlayDecide Game to spark discussions on issues surrounding water scarcity in Europe. This version is ideal for young learners (14-18 years) and crash sessions. The full version of the PlayDecide game is also available.

Education & learning, Topics in science
water, game, sustainability, deliberation, dialogue, engagement

Find the written summary of the event, including a link to the recordings.

EEEA, environment, climate emergency, biodiversity, environment emergency action, ecsite members, insights live!
Material for workshops and exhibitions

In the ever-evolving landscape of new and emerging technologies, it can be easy to lose track of the ethics of it all. "Ethics by design" means bringing ethical and societal values into the design and development of such technologies, from the very beginning of the development process. And the truth is everyone can have a say! Wondering how?

Topics in science