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Annual Conference sessions

The first Ecsite Conference took place in 1989. Here you can browse all Conference sessions since 2010. Use the search engine to look for people, topics...

Looking for an older session? Our digital records start in 2007, with programme pdfs attached to each conference page

Science ♥ society
Cristina Veiga-PiresRita BorgesFrancisco Franco del AmoGuglielmo Maglio

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Life is everywhere! However, many European citizens are not aware of biodiversity loss as...

Exhibit development
Barbara Maria NeffAxel E. HüttingerHarry WhiteClaudia SchleyerElsa BaileyIan RussellChristina ClassenMarco MirandaJelena BlankIrena CieślińskaAsger Høeg

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No matter how passionate we are about them, some exhibits just don't work: maybe they...

Research, theory & evaluation
Alice Roberts

Professor Alice Roberts is an anthropologist, author and broadcaster, and Professor of Public Engagement in Science at the University of Birmingham. Watch a video of her keynote.


Exhibit development
Mikko MyllykoskiLee Skolnick, FAIAJane WernerLisa Månsson

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The environment where we engage has a tremendous impact upon how we perceive and...

Ran PelegKate KnealeFabrice Jouvenot

The GameLab is an informal space entirely dedicated to gaming.

It will be open all day on the conference's three days. It is a drop-in space. There will be games to play, game makers to meet. A different host each day will be present to...

Explainers & visitor services
Helin HagaDubravka VejnovicVesna PajićMaria ZоlоtоnоsаTina IbsenAnna Dławichowska

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Both technology and what people are expecting awe-inspiring events to look like is...

Strategy & vision
Thierry BrassacBart Van de LaarJamie BellJoana Lobo AntunesDubravka VejnovicPedro PomboGudrun BachmannLynn ScarffMatteo Merzagora

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There are 22 Universities/Research Bodies (U/RB) in the Ecsite network, out of 374...

Open to all pre- and main conference speakers and convenors. Receive a warm welcome from Porto representatives, conference hosts and Ecsite. Enjoy a drink and mingle with other speakers.

The reception will be hosted at the City Hall. The...

Marketing & communication
Joana Lobo AntunesPeter TrevittRaquel da Cunha

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Social media has recently become even more politicised and influential as a...

Strategy & vision
Leonardo AlfonsiWendy SadlerAnnette KlinkertIsabel Ruiz-MallénHelena GonzálezIgnasi López Verdeguer

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The growing demand for understanding and implementing the concept of responsible research...

Strategy & vision
Lorenz KampschulteAndreja PeratIan SimmonsJennifer MartinPedro PomboRonen Mir

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Connecting formal and informal science education is a challenging task for many of us:...

Strategy & vision

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The Ecsite Annual General Meeting (AGM) is open to all Ecsite members.

Only Full...
