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Annual Conference sessions

The first Ecsite Conference took place in 1989. Here you can browse all Conference sessions since 2010. Use the search engine to look for people, topics...

Looking for an older session? Our digital records start in 2007, with programme pdfs attached to each conference page

Strategy & vision
Sarah FunkPenny FidlerAntonia CaolaMaarten OkkersenSébastien SoubiranDorota WiślickaAyah Younis

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On 10 November 2016, science centres and science museums worldwide celebrated the first...

Mike PetrichKaren WilkinsonAmos BlantonCarmelo Presicce

In recent years, there has been a surge of interest in making and coding. Across the globe, in formal and informal settings, educational organisations are providing young people with opportunities to make and code. But many of these initiatives...

Science ♥ society
Bart Van de LaarSuzana Filipecki MartinsVesna PajićAnna DławichowskaStephane Berghmans

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X-factor, The Voice, MasterChef, you name it, talent scouting is a big thing and makes...

Science ♥ society

All detailed information about this workshop can be found here.

Ran PelegKate KnealeFabrice Jouvenot

The GameLab is an informal space entirely dedicated to gaming.

It will be open all day on the conference's three days. It is a drop-in space. There will be games to play, game makers to meet. A different host each day will be present to...

Ryan JenkinsSebastian MartinHiljanne van der MeerMeie van LaarSamar D. KirreshRyan JenkinsElisabeth Rebekka Killie KanebogJessica Stanley

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Many museums now have spaces for tinkering. Once these environments are built, how do you...

Equity & Inclusion
Maarten OkkersenSheena LaursenDorothée VatinelToni DancstepChristopher Cardiel

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Designing for all may sound like an impossible task. As the world increasingly engages in...

Strategy & vision
Anne PrugnonDave PattenOlivier RetoutWafâa MaadnousRaphael Chanay

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Digital is already everywhere in your organisation. Look at your staff, busy issuing...

Science ♥ society
Ines MontalvaoTapio KoivuOrna CohenJan Alfred AnderssonMarc TamschickDaniel Glaser

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Museums and science centres have been gradually realising how much their visitors demand...

Exhibit development
Sophie Biecheler-FiocconiMichèle ANTOINEClaire PillsburyMarina LeonardIan Brunswick

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For years, art and science were on the agenda of institutions looking for another way to...

Science ♥ society
Sara TougaardHeather KingMarianne AchiamAntonia CaolaJacques Ayer

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Natural history offers insights that can help us address many of the local and global...

Open to all pre- and main conference speakers and convenors. Receive a warm welcome from Porto representatives, conference hosts and Ecsite. Enjoy a drink and mingle with other speakers.

The reception will be hosted at the City Hall. The...
