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Developing and sharing "Space for life" resources - Day 1

This workshop is organised by the European Space Agency – ESA – and the Ecsite Space Group, the Ecsite thematic group that aims to improve and extend communication about space science by helping science centres, space professionals and non-specialists to develop collaborative projects and events. The workshop is open to all, join!

Participants will have the possibility to exchange with experts in the field, hear about the latest developments in European space research and work together on a set of resources currently being developed by the Ecsite Space Group on the topic “Space for life”, which will be ultimately made available to the whole science engagement community. These pilot projects will result in ready to use exhibitions, workshop plans, catalogues of resources, and much more, and revolve around three themes: "Is there life out there?", "The International Space Station: Living and Working in Space" and "Climate change: Monitoring the atmosphere and oceans from space".

Representatives of ESA, the Portuguese FCT (Fundação para a Ciência e a Tecnologia- Space Office) and national space industries will join the workshop.

A detailed programme is available here.

Browse through the presentations given on Tuesday 13 June and Wednesday 14 June here.


Executive Director of Ciência Viva
Exhibitions, Shows and Development Director
Head of Outreach Coordination office
European Space Agency

Session speakers

Astronomer, Co-Curator of Space for Our Planet exhibition
Monica Talevi
Head of Coordination & Outreach Unit
ESA Education & Knowledge
The Hague
exhibitions designer
Earth Observation communication programme officer
European Space Agency
Head of Science and Outreach
Communication Officer
European Space Agency
Space Science Editor
EJR-Quartz for ESA