fbpx The science engagement prototyping manifesto - Part 2 | Ecsite

The science engagement prototyping manifesto - Part 2

This is part two of an in-depth session where we will find out where participants stand when it comes to prototyping; what it encompasses in theoretical terms and also in practice. Through a deeper understanding of this concept and how we approach it as museum professionals, we will set the basis for a discussion on the core values inherent to prototyping. Speakers will give a short example of different approaches and methodologies on prototyping in the exhibit development process. In groups, participants will discuss how each prototyping value defines, influences and impacts the exhibit development and its outcome. Participants' insights will be collected at the end of the session and will result in a collective manifesto for prototyping in exhibit development, published on an open online platform for everyone in the industry to access.


Ines Montalvao
Program Director
Artists with Evidence
Project Manager

Session speakers

Associate Director Exhibit Content Development
San Francisco
United States
placeholder session for a second slot of the in-depth format.
Experience Designer, Creative Technologist and Researcher | Marie Curie Fellow ChromDesign ITN
Carla Molins Pitarch
placeholder session for a second slot of the in-depth format.
Interactive Exhibit Developer - Science Show Performer
placeholder session for a second slot of the in-depth format.
Director and Driver
placeholder session for a second slot of the in-depth format.