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Measuring learning: An introduction - day 1

What kind of learning is really taking place in museums and science centres? How do we measure it? This two-day pre-conference workshop will equip participants with tools enabling them to identify the learning taking place at their venue. The workshop will provide guidance to enhance the quality of activities offered by these public engagement organisations, and thereby strengthen visitors’ learning processes.

Part of the pre-conference will comprise a court case involving a prosecutor, defender and witnesses – and with the audience as grand jury. We will conduct practical exercises in both exhibition and maker/tinkering spaces, and use these experiences as case studies to discuss questions such as: Are they learning something or are they just having fun?

This workshop is organised by the REV Group, the Ecsite thematic group that stimulates and helps facilitate research and evaluation in science centres and museums across Europe. The workshop is open to all - please take part!

A more detailed programme can be checked here.


Head of Development

Session speakers

Director of Innovations
Ilona will share with the participants her experience in researching and evaluating as Head of the Research Department at Copernicus Science Center and chair of the REV group
Head Marketing and Partnerships
Swiss Science Center Technorama
Roy's diverse background has provided him with a unique perspective on learning: in this pre-conference workshop he will provide the participants with very valuable insights.
Senior Lecturer
University College London
United Kingdom
Theano's keynote aims to provide a deeper understanding of the value of embracing a framework for developing and measuring different outcomes and processes of learning with the view to inform and shape practice in museums and science centres.
Cambridge University
United Kingdom
Elizabeth will guide us towards a deeper understanding of the potential for learning in Maker and Tinkering activities. She will provide a brief overview of these fields and present research-based frameworks for identifying learning and learning opportunities as well as her own research on science learning through Tinkering.
Assistant Professor of STEAM Education
University of Wisconsin
Peter will share his expertise in evaluating learning in Maker and Tinkering activities with performance-based assessments.