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Annual Conference sessions

The first Ecsite Conference took place in 1989. Here you can browse all Conference sessions since 2010. Use the search engine to look for people, topics...

Looking for an older session? Our digital records start in 2007, with programme pdfs attached to each conference page

Science ♥ society
Meredith DobyPeter BishopKristin AlfordMikko Myllykoski

Following the "Future thinking in science centres: methods" session, you are invited to join the speakers in the GameLab. A unique opportunity to attend a sample lesson in future thinking, try out...

Strategy & vision
Laura SmillieJochen HungerHolly HastedHedinn Gunhildrud

When it comes to busting myths and tackling tricky issues, science communicators are armed to the teeth with the necessary tools to inform and educate. Or are they? If science is so great, why do so many pseudoscientists succeed in selling their...

Exhibit development
Remco MolenaarBart van den BergMike GandertonMette Stentoft TherkildsenKaren Drost

Personalisation is a strong mechanism to increase the impact of visitor experiences. Not every visitor is the same: think of languages, interests, expectations, knowledge, behaviours or (special) needs. We want to ‘touch’ visitors by creating...

Meredith DobyPeter BishopKristin AlfordMeredith DobyMikko Myllykoski

Thinking about the future is fundamentally important for people of all ages. How can we as science engagement organisations provide a platform for this thinking? Three museum practitioners and a professional Futurist share their future thinking...

Science ♥ society
Catherine GanzlebenIan MarnaneCaroline WhalleyJoana Lobo VicenteAndromachi Katsonouri-Sazeides

We live longer and are healthier than ever, enjoying the 21st century’s many conveniences. Chemistry and the use of different chemicals have played an important role in shaping society and improving our standard of living. But do we understand...

Science ♥ society
Carmen FenollosaMaria ZоlоtоnоsаWiktor GajewskiFrank Kupper

With all the discussions and uncertainties around the European Commission's next Research & Innovation funding framework (the so-called “Horizon Europe”), one thing is clear: Responsible Research and Innovation (R.R.I.) as a concept will be...

Explore all hidden corners of the Experimentarium science centre, enjoy a rich programme of maritime-themed science engagement activities, listen to the Ecsite Jazz Band and join in a collective explosion of joy to celebrate Ecsite's 30th...

Manuel CiraMalvina ArtheauManuel CiraMalvina ArtheauBernard Combes

When it comes to the environment, it can be a challenge for us to go beyond education, through to engagement, all the way to advocacy. Join us for this dynamic, collaborative workshop session where you will experience a new set of tools: first as...

Amito HaarhuisMaria João FonsecaAnnelore ScholtenRaphael ChanayKen ArnoldTorkil AdsersenKate FordeGeoffrey Belknap

In this session, presenters from many different science museums all over Europe share how they use storytelling to create more context for their heritage collections, and make them come alive. What museological strategies do they use to make...

Strategy & vision
Maria João FonsecaMargaret Wertheim

Your opportunity to engage in conversation with science writer, artist and curator Margaret Wertheim after hearing her keynote in the previous time slot.

Can't get enough? Also...

Research, theory & evaluation
Mette SkovChristian JantzenMarianne LykkeMette Stentoft Therkildsen

The concept of experience is ‘hot’ in the field of museums and science centres. Our organisations are part of the experience economy and as such platforms for experiences. Science centres and museums design user experiences. But what essentially...

The substantial extension and refurbishment of Experimentarium, which re-opened its doors in 2017, future-proofs the science centre as a significant cultural destination. The project doubled the exhibition area with a total of 18 interactive...
