When it comes to the environment, it can be a challenge for us to go beyond education, through to engagement, all the way to advocacy. Join us for this dynamic, collaborative workshop session where you will experience a new set of tools: first as a participant, then as a leader.
UNESCO have created flashcards on the Sustainable Development Goals. This simple tool is a perfect opportunity for science engagement organisations to engage the public alongside community stakeholders. The cards contain more than 200 questions ranging from systems approach to specific aspects of sustainability, allowing participants to explore each of the 17 SDGs in question-focused small group conversations, with the possibility of collaboratively identifying actions and solutions aimed at implementing the global goals in ways that are relevant to their lives and their communities. This is an effective way of engaging our communities on SDGs and creating a local sense of ownership.
We will first experience this training tool in action. Next we break into groups to brainstorm how we could apply these tools to our own work as educators. Finally each group will present their concept, opening up the discussion on ways to push the boundaries to real community engagement.
To fully benefit from this unusual workshop, we invite you to arrive right on time, stay together to enjoy a coffee break in the Gamelab and get back to sharing concept and brainstorming until 17:00.