fbpx Feu at Universcience, Paris, France | Ecsite

Feu at Universcience, Paris, France

At Universcience, Paris, France. An exhibition that masters the power of fire. 

The exhibition Feu explores how humans have tried to control fire through time. This theme was chosen following a fire that took place in 2015 at the Cite des sciences et de l’Industrie. It was developed in partnership with Paris fire brigade.

Aimed at children aged 9 and above, it is a mix of AV installation, objects, digital and interactive exhibits. The exhibition starts with the theme of how man mastered fire through history from the first known use of fire until today, delves further in our scientific knowledge of fire as well as its industrial use and ends on how firemen can control the blaze and what to do when facing its wrath.

Feu is open until 6 January 2019. More info here.



Universcience, the leading French public institution promoting scientific, technical and industrial culture in France, comprises the Palais de la Découverte, the Cité des Sciences et de l’Industrie, leblob.fr, an online scientific information media, "Fablab à l’École", a nationwide cultural and scientific education programme, and the organisation of the "Spring of Critical Thinking" and the "Critical Thinking Barometer", designed to encourage critical thinking.