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Newsletters: beyond the spam folder

Are you spending long hours lovingly putting together your organisation's newsletter? Are you anxiously following its journey into your readers' mailboxes, hoping to dodge their spam folders and escape a tragic "delete without opening" fate? Are you trawling Facebook, LinkedIn, Twitter (etc) for new readers? Are you constantly on the hunt for authors and content providers? Then this session is for you: join your peers and exchange tips to boost reach and quality, whether you're writing for museum visitors, EU-project stakeholders or network members.

In a short introduction, each speaker will share what they’ve learnt about newsletters and the challenges they’re currently facing. In small groups, participants will then be invited to move between 3 thematic talking points and gather ideas on three specific questions.

Drawing from this evidence, our convenor and one of our speakers will deliver a polarised (and hopefully playful) wrap up, respectively listing the arguments for killing and cherishing newsletters. The audience will be invited to take part in a final vote: should we ditch newsletters as a thing of the past, or cultivate them as a powerful tool?


Events Manager

Session speakers

Jessica Hilliard Science Gallery Dublin
Marketing and Communications Manager
Science Gallery Dublin
Business Strategist
Julie Becker
I'm the Editor of Spokes, the Ecsite magazine, promoted via a monthly newsletter to 7,000+ readers. The magazine was relaunched in its current digital format one year ago and its Editorial Committee is ready to take it to the next stage. We'd like to share ideas on the following questions: How do we promote our wonderful content better? How do we increase reader numbers and quality of engagement? How do we get readers to become authors?
Project Manager
Looking back at 10 years of European projects participation, and at least 40 newsletters written, contributed to or received I will be sharing some thoughts. What things seem to appear again and again? Lets briefly see together some of the successes and some of the disasters..