fbpx Advancing the children’s museums field | Ecsite

Advancing the children’s museums field

This special pre-conference workshop, open to all, is run by the Hands On! International Association of Children in Museums. Hands-on! and Ecsite are partnering up for the first time in 2016.

Join us for a practical one-day workshop which explores various possiblilites of cooperations and reveals the power of partnerships and their benefits for all participants. Our leading thread will be how we can all be innovative, creative and achieve our objectives on networking and advancing the children’s museum field.

The programme will include keynotes in the morning and study visits in the afternoon, which will also be an opportunity for participants to engage in conversation with the speakers and with each other. The programme also features a series of case study presentations around the "Colours of Cooperation" topic, related to one of the following categories: cooperations with universities, museums or science centres, private companies, international cooperations, schools and nursery schools.

The workshop is designed for people working in the (children’s) museums field but will also be of interest to professionals across all disciplines wanting to consider how, within their role, they can support their organisation in coorporating with various institutions. You are welcome to bring in contents yourself! You will be able to present and share successful co-operation models.

A detailed programme is available here. For further information please contact: Andrea Guenther, Hands On! office.

Session speakers

Executive Assistant
Hands On! International Association of Children in Museums
Project and Exhibition Manager
Project Manager
ZOOM Kindermuseum
Professional Development Associate, National Living Laboratory
United States
Co-Director, Informal Education-cocukistanbul
Managing Director
Informal Education cocukistanbul