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Ayuntamiento de A Coruña - Museos Científicos

Museos Científicos Coruñeses (=mc2) is an institution of Corunna City council for scientific popularization that have three science centres: Casa de las Ciencias (House of Sciences), Domus (House of Man) and Aquarium Finisterrae (House of Fishes). This initiative starts from the premise that “There’s no culture without science”, and therefore scientific illiteracy is nothing but illiteracy. Citizens are provided with incentives and resources to include science in their culture and to be able to understand the world we’re living in. , Over and above its exhibition halls, Museos Científicos Coruñeses approach science to the citizens by means of activities, courses, conferences, workshops… The monographs on scientific communication give answers to the popular interest on current matters such as avian influenza, mad cows, or stem cells. In order to promote the work of scientific popularizators, Corunna City council together with Museos Científicos Coruñeses give every year the Prism awards, an international contest held since 1998. With the collaboration of the Casa de las Ciencias Friends Association, the Luis Freire award encourages the scientific activity among Galician scholars.