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28 November 2012
Bibliotheca Alexandrina Conferences Center Alexandria

Bringing science to Life! – the Super Science Show(SSS) is fun, fast-paced and most importantly, educational! The Super Science Show is a theatrical show where science is animated in a fun and exciting manner. Life on the stage, the viewers will discover the marvels of science through magical demonstrations. Demonstrations are based on the scientific integration of the different fields of science like chemistry, physics and biology to excite school students and stimulate their curiosity to learn.

5 November 2012 - 24 November 2012
Bibliotheca Alexandrina Conferences Center Alexandria

Realizing his distinguished stature, the Planetarium Science Center (PSC) proudly hosts the Fermi Legacy Exhibition, at the Bibliotheca Alexandrina Conference Center (West Exhibition Hall), during the period 6 to 25 November 2012. The exhibition comprises 10 panels, and 8 groups of photos, and numerous quotations; describing his background, his life, and his achievements and contributions as one of the 20th century leading scientists.

12 October 2012 - 9 January 2013
Science Museum of the University of Camerino
P.za dei Costanti, 7
62032 Camerino , MC
Macerata IT

Did you know that continents drift? Are you curious about how you got to make the current Theory of Plate Tectonics? Come to the exhibition “WALKING WITH THE CONTINENTS. Our planet a hundred years from the theory of Alfred Wegener “, the Science Museum of Camerino University has set up to mark the centenary of the formulation of the theory and find out. The exhibition will be open from 13 October 2012 to 10 January 2013.

22 September 2012 - 31 August 2013
Museon 2517 HV The Hague

2000 years ago, the Romans ruled over a great empire. How did they become so successful? Find out in this interactive and inspiring High Tech Romans exhibition!

6 November 2017 - 12 November 2017
Academy of Sciences
Národní 1009/3
110 00 Prague
Czech Republic

Science and Technology Week is one of the largest science communication events in the Czech Republic, which presents the latest scientific achievements and current research approaches. Science and Technology Week is organized by the Centre of Administration and Operation of Academy of Sciences of the Czech Republic and is held annually at the beginning of November. The Science and Technology Week take place in aproximately in 15 cities in the Czech Republic: for example Prague, Brno, Ceské Budejovice, Olomouc and Ostrava.

16 March 2014 - 18 March 2014
Technopolis Mechelen

The Science Centre World Summit, organized in Mechelen, Belgium, by Technopolis, the Flemish Science Centre, in cooperation with the Royal Belgian Institute of Natural Sciences (Brussels) is a high-level, global meeting point for representatives from different fields to discuss topics concerning all parties.

18 July 2012
bibliotheca Alexandrina Alexandria
At 6:00 pm, on the last day of the Arab month; Shaaban, Dr. Omar Fikry, the PSC Astronomer, will give a lecture in the Small Theatre at the the Bibliotheca Alexandrina Conferences Center, explaining the Crescent stages to a full moon, and how we can determine the start of Ramadan; the month of fasting for Muslims. After the lecture, a live observation session on the Bibliotheca Alexandrina Plaza will take place, to introduce the audience to the marvels of the skies.
4 July 2012
rue Vautierstraat 41

Come and have a nice cool drink in the garden of the Museum of Natural sciences, which will be exceptionally open on Thursday 5th of July from 18h30 to 21h45.

18 June 2012 - 22 June 2012
Espace des sciences Pierre-Gilles de Gennes
10, rue Vauquelin
75005 Paris

Organised by Les Atomes crochus, L’île logique and Traces, this 1st Science Clowns event (“Des Clowns et des Sciences”) will offer audiences a set of clown conferences and shows on science in various prestigious venues in Paris, France. A conference will take place in parallel for scientists, explainers and professional clowns to explore their respective universes.

at Espace des sciences Pierre-Gilles de Gennes – ESPCI ParisTech and at Palais de la découverte & Cité des Sciences et de l’Industrie

More info on www.science-clowns.fr

20 June 2012
Bibliotheca Alexandrina Alexandria

The Planetarium Science Center is celebrating the Eratosthenes Festivity, which has become an annual tradition that takes place every year on 21 June at the Bibliotheca Alexandrina and the city of Aswan. It is designed for preparatory school students, and includes a series of activities that revolve around the methodology Eratosthenes used in measuring the Earth’s circumference 2000 years ago. On 21 June, the day of summer solstice, the 21st century school students conduct Eratosthenes’ experiment at the BA Plaza and in Aswan (Upper Egypt) to measure the circumference of the earth.



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