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Member news & events

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13 March 2016 - 16 March 2016
Bibliotheca Alexandrina Alexandria

The Planetarium Science Center (PSC) at the Bibliotheca Alexandrina (BA) in collaboration with Intel Egypt is organizing the seventh affiliate competition, Intel Bibliotheca Alexandrina Science and Engineering Fair (Intel BASEF 2016) in all Egypt. The competition will empower Egyptian students ages 14 -18 to conduct a research and present their projects findings under 17 science and humanities themes. To enhance the quality of projects and expand geographically, the PSC is collaborating with the Ministry of Education to reach all governorates.

2 April 2016 - 4 April 2016
Science Museum - Camerino University
Piazza dei Costanti, 7 Polo San Domenico
62032 Camerino

The Science Museum of Camerino University presents a real moon rock into the galleries of its permanent exhibition, partly renovated, on April 2nd, 3rd and 4th 2016 (special opening, 10.00 am to 7 pm).

The rock, collected on the moon by Alan Shepard and Edgar Mitchell during the Apollo 14 mission (February 1971), will be closely observed and photographed by the public.

24 March 2016 - 27 April 2016
online, anywhere! San Francisco

Join us online from March 24–April 27 for Exploring Light. Taught by Teacher Institute staff and offered by the Exploratorium through the Coursera platform, Exploring Light is a free professional development workshop for middle-school and high-school science teachers and general enthusiasts. Learn about visual perception, optics, image making, color, and the history of our understanding of light—by watching demonstrations of videos and exhibits and by doing fun, hands-on activities that allow you to directly experience natural phenomena using readily available materials.

22 October 2015 - 31 August 2016
Universum Bremen
Wiener Strasse 1a
28359 Bremen

As of 23 October, the interactive special exhibition “EY ALTER – du kannst dich mal kennenlernen” (HEY MAN – get to know yourself sometime) will be offering fresh and new ideas focusing on ageing, day-to-day life and the world of work.

23 April 2016 - 24 April 2016
Life Science Centre
Times Square
NE1 4EP Newcastle upon Tyne
United Kingdom
Maker Faire UK 2016

Maker Faire UK is the greatest show (and tell) on Earth! It’s a two day family friendly festival of invention and creativity, bringing together over 300 hackers, crafters, coders, DIYers and garden shed inventors from across the globe.

25 March 2016
Life Science Centre
Times Square
NE1 4EP Newcastle upon Tyne
United Kingdom
Learn all about your brain in Life's new Brain Zone

Your brain is the most amazing and mysterious thing about you – and something that you probably take for granted. The Brain Zone lets you understand what’s going on inside your head through exciting, fun activities and exhibits. Explore what makes you ‘you’! Scientists are discovering new things every day and you, and your brilliant brain, can help improve our understanding by visiting The Brain Zone and taking part in experiments.

Brain Zone is a new, permanent exhibition at Life Science Centre and will open to the public on 25 March 2016.

18 February 2016 - 20 February 2016
Science Centre AHHAA Foundation Tartu
Science Centre AHHAA Foundation

On 18-20 February 2016, around 70 students aged 16-19 will come together and debate over the topic of “The Future of Human Being” in Tartu.

3 July 2016 - 9 July 2016
2016 ICOM conference logo Milan

National Museum of Science and Technology Leonardo da Vinci is busy planning and welcomes proposals from all museum professionals by 28 January.

30 May 2016 - 3 June 2016
Ustanova hiša eksperimentov
Trubarjeva cesta 41a
INSPIRE workshop for creating and running Science Shows

We are happy and proud to announce the fourth edition of

INSPIRE (INternational »Science Performance Is Ready« Event)

May 30th – June 3rd 2016 in

Hiša eksperimentov (The House of experiments), Ljubljana, Slovenia

During the five day workshop participants will very actively learn how to:

5 December 2015 - 8 December 2015
National Museum of Science and Technology Leonardo da Vinci
Via San Vittore 21
20121 Milano

Celebrate with us the 10 years of the submarine at the Museum: Tours on board, meetings with submariners, activities with radio-amateurs and much more.

Experience the Toti from a distance with our new virtual reality app:

Download on your smartphone the free app “Toti submarine VR experience”



Lviv Open Lab 12 July 2022

When facing challenges of war youth center for science popularization and STEAM education Lviv Open Lab came up with an idea of STEAM camp for youth.

There are a lot of internally displaced people at the moment in Lviv - a city in the Western part of Ukraine where people are coming from regions suffering from war in search for a shelter. One third of those people are teenagers and youth, so there is a strong need to integrate those people into the local community. This is where STEAM camp in Lviv Open Lab takes action.

Ontario Science Centre 5 July 2022
MindWorks Exhibition

Ever wonder what’s happening in your head? The Ontario Science Centre launches MindWorks, a new hands-on, bodies-on psychology travelling exhibition.

MindWorks brings ideas like decision-making, memory and emotions to life through playful, interactive exhibits.

Universcience 9 May 2022
the World Portuguese Language Day @Universcience

On the occasion of the World Portuguese Language Day on May 5th, and as part of the festivities of the France-Portugal Season, Universcience welcomed its partners from the Exploratorio, Centre Ciência Viva de Coimbra, for the screening of their film "Astronomia para bebes" at the Planetarium.

Next meeting from May 23rd to 29th at the Exploratorio for the projection of "Ready for lift-off!" conceived by Universcience teams!

Hüttinger Interactive Exhibitions 28 April 2022

In April 2019 we were entrusted with the conceptual re-design of the museum‘s GAIA exhibition. This contract was followed by the order to design and build the this new gallery, now renamed ΚΛΙΜΑΤΙΚΗ ΑΛΛΑΓΗ ΚΑΙ ΕΜΕΙΣ (lit. Climate Change and Us). The exhibition displays 19 interactives covering several themes related to climate change on both a global and a personal scale. The topics are Consum and Waste, Energy Consumption, Transport, Food Production, Water Use, and Living. Climate Change and Us was officially opened in April 2022.

European Molecular Biology Laboratory (EMBL) 25 March 2022

The EMBL is looking to recruit an enthusiastic, highly motivated Outreach & Public Engagement Officer to join the European Learning Laboratory for Life Sciences Team in Heidelberg, Germany.

Copernicus Science Centre 16 March 2022

Ecsite member Copernicus Science Centre have already witnessed the huge impact of the arrival of hundreds of thousands of refugees from Ukraine. Here is a glimpse of some of the activities they have already started in order to support the Ukrainian people.

Raumschiff - The Maker-Space for Astronomy 28 February 2022

We are looking for a public engagement professional to work for our new project ‘Open Science Club’ aiming at engaging children and adults in astronomy over a longer period of time: science - a hobby just like music or sports. The club will be built around citizen science and open data. A variety of activities involving the local and international learning landscapes around astronomy will allow for individual learning paths. A good knowledge of German is a must.

Universcience 3 February 2022
science news vision of Europe

For the French presidency of the Council of the European Union (January-June 2022), Universcience offers to discover Europe’s initiatives, major projects and achievements in the scientific and industrial fields.

Hüttinger Interactive Exhibitions 1 December 2021

After our work for the Cell Lab back in 2005 we were commissioned with its redesign, renovation and remanufacturing in October 2020. As far as possible, old parts and exhibits were reused in the new furniture. The Cell Lab allows the handling of real laboratory equipment and gives an insight into the work of a modern laboratory - it was reopened to the public in mid-November 2021.

all pictures on this page © phaeno, Janina Snatzke

Universcience 12 October 2021
FDS Europe

Thank you to the Deutsches Museum (Germany), the Tekniska Museet (Sweden), the Hiša Eksperimentov (Slovenia), the Esplora Interactive Science Centre (Malta) and the Copernicus Science Centre (Poland) !

They were part of the French Science Festival from 1 to 3 October at the Cité des sciences et de l'industrie and successfully met with the French audience.
