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MUSE - Museo delle Scienze di Trento

Since the opening in 2013, MUSE has been appreciated by the audience both for the outstanding arquitecture designed by Renzo Piano and the uniqueness of the exhibitions display. MUSE is also a research and cultural interpretation centre, where local/global sustainability and development are promoted. Multidisciplinary initiatives and very innovative cultural events are engaging people with science.

MUSE provided the platform for conversation on current issues & challenges to scientists, experts, stake-holders, policy makers and citizens of any age. MUSE mission is to interpret nature, starting from the mountains, by means of the tools, theories and applications of the scientific method.

MUSE staff expertise in natural sciences and in science communication helps to stimulate in visitors their scientific curiosity and pleasure of knowledge, valuing science, innovation, and sustainability. The aim is to create awareness on natural landscape, to foster the ethical commitment to preserve our planet, to connect local and global environment, to favour informal-, playful-, participatory and interactive approach with science and technology, to promote techno-scientific curricula.

MUSE is the hub of a local network of science museums and research centres, including the "Viote" Alpine Botanc Garden & the Terrace to gaze at the Stars on Mount Bondone, The Geologic Museum of the Dolomites in Predazzo, The Prehistoric Pile Dwelling Museum at Lago di Ledro, The Caproni Aeronautic Museum in Trento, The Lymnologic Station at Lago di Tovel, & The Udzungwa Ecological Monitoring Centre in Tanzania.

In 2015 MUSE hosted in Trento the 26th edition of the ANNUAL CONFERENCE, implementing for the first time measures for the sustainability of the event.