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MUSE - Museo delle Scienze di Trento 13 December 2017
NANO2ALL multi-stakeholder dialogue participants at MUSE Science Museum, Trento, Italy

A full-day multi-stakeholder event at MUSE Science Museum, Italy – Have a look at the recommendations that emerged from an engaging exploration of nanotextiles.

MUSE - Museo delle Scienze di Trento 25 July 2017
Preliminary results - dialogue in Italy - nano2all

Read the preliminary results of the citizen dialogue held in Italy in the framework of the NANO2ALL project.

MUSE - Museo delle Scienze di Trento 9 December 2015

Synthetic biology represents the latest phase in the development of biotechnology, in which scientists are gaining unprecedented control in programming new biological functions by rewriting the genetic code. Recently, various industries have been investing in applications regarding new production processes based on synthetic biology. In the food industry, an interesting example, although not exclusive, is vanillin, the molecule that gives vanilla its typical perfume.

MUSE - Museo delle Scienze di Trento 5 June 2015

The EMYA 2015 Award Ceremony - European Museum of the Year Award - took place in May in Glasgow. Since 1977, this prestigious award recognizes and rewards excellence in European museums, with the patronage of the Council of Europe. It encourages innovation particularly in museums which are more related to the conservationist classic vision. A prestigious award whereby MUSE was honoured with special mention.

MUSE - Museo delle Scienze di Trento 14 May 2015

This year, on May 5th afternoon, MUSE – The Science Museum of Trento (Italy) issued the number 1 million entrance ticket. A rewarding result indeed, which overcomes all the expectations, just 21 months after the grand opening (on July 27, 2013). One million visitors, that is thousands of people who entered MUSE in a constant flow, that increased even more during weekends and holidays.

MUSE - Museo delle Scienze di Trento 3 July 2013

The eagerly-awaited MUSE – Museo delle Scienze opens its doors on 27 July 2013 in Trento, Italy. “Active, attractive and memorable are the three words that will best define the new science museum,” says Antonia Caola, MUSE’s Head of International and Public Affairs.

Visitors to MUSE will learn about science and technology from an environmental sustainability perspective; they will see how science, technology and innovation can contribute to finding effective solutions for the future of our planet.