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Tools & resources

In this section you will find useful documents and information on science engagement in general, and Ecsite activities in particular. Browse through articles, toolkits, reports, websites...

Feel free to submit resources for this section. Send all relevant materials with a short explanation about the contents to: communications@ecsite.eu



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Book or article
Lessons learned
September 2020 - Interviews published in Spokes #66, September 2020
The challenges and opportunities of lockdown and the new normal | Estimated reading time: 41 minutes (5-7 minutes per interview)
Education & learning
Spokes, covid-19, lockdown, Digital content
Book or article
NASA's Sun, Earth, Universe exhibition
September 2020 - Feature article by Frank Kupper published in Spokes #66, September 2020
Science and uncertainty at a time when people are looking for solid answers | Estimated reading time: 20 minutes
Topics in science
Spokes, uncertainty, science, covid-19, public perception, dialogue, trust
Practical guide or toolkit
Reflection Tool figure showing the six different steps of the discussion
Spokes resource
September 2020 - The 'Reflection Tool' is for anybody and any team who wants to take action that strengthens Responsible Research and Innovation, with steps to follow for a fruitful reflection and small-group discussion on vision, goals and implementation of the desired action.
EU and governance
Responsible Research and Innovation, action, implementation, guidance
Book or article
Tinkering as an inclusive approach for building STEM identity and supporting students facing disadvantage or with low science capital: Considerations from a reflective practice experience with teachers Published in 2020
Spokes resource
August 2020 - This document summarises the impact of the Erasmus+ -funded project ‘Tinkering EU: Building Science Capital for All’ that has brought together museum educators and teachers to develop their practice and explore how Tinkering pedagogy could be used to develop more engaging, inclusive and equitable STEM learning experiences for learners facing educational, social, cultural or economic disadvantage.
Education & learning
Spokes resource
July 2020 - The sixth and final webinar in the #EcsiteOnline series took place on 17 June 2020 and had exhibition experts present their favourite exhibitions created by others.
Education & learning
Practical guide or toolkit
How to run a citizens' assembly by RSA. Credit: thersa.org
Spokes resource
July 2020 - Learn how to run a citizens' assembly in times of social distancing with this useful handbook from the RSA.
Education & learning
citizen assembly, local, citizens, meetings, handbook, guide
Practical guide or toolkit
Leading Groups Online booklet. Credit: Jeanne Rewa and Daniel Hunter
Spokes resource
July 2020 - "Leading Groups Online: a down-and-dirty guide to leading online courses, meetings, trainings, and events during the coronavirus pandemic" by Jeanne Rewa and Daniel Hunter teaches how to lead online courses, trainings and events.
Education & learning
online, coronavirus, pandemic, online training, online workshop, online event, Digital
Spokes resource
June 2020 - The Ecsite Business day took place on 19 June 2020. The day allowed for museum and other scicomm professionals to share their newest products and services such as travelling exhibitions.
Education & learning
#Ecsiteonline, #businessday
Spokes resource
June 2020 - On Thursday, 11 June, which would have been the first day of the 2020 Ecsite Conference, Ecsite hosted a day to (re)connect, challenge & stimulate your minds, feel part of a big family and be proud of who we are as a science engagement network.
Education & learning
#ecsiteday, #network, #Ecsiteonline, #Event
Spokes resource
June 2020 - The fifth webinar in the #EcsiteOnline series took place on 10 June 2020 and dealt with misinformation around and beyond the Covid crisis.
Education & learning
Book or article
Science Communication: An Empirical Field Analysis
Spokes resource
June 2020 - This empirical study compares international trends in science communication research, reflects on future needs and the disconnect to scicomm practice: a bibliometric and content analysis of several thousand journal papers and books, and a global multi-stage panel study. Published in 2020, fully open access incl. an audio-book version.
Education & learning
research, communication, science engagement, evaluation, theory
Spokes resource
June 2020 - On 3 June 2020, the fourth webinar in the #EcsiteOnline series address the topic of digital engagement during and beyond the Covid crisis.
Education & learning
