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#EcsiteOnline webinar (4/6) - Creating and enhancing our digital presence

  • June 2020
  • Education & learning
  • Video

On 3 June 2020, the fourth webinar in the #EcsiteOnline series address the topic of digital engagement during and beyond the Covid crisis.

The top-down model of knowledge is largely challenged by the crisis we are currently going through. For many museums and science centres this pandemic, plus the subsequent lockdown, has led to a shift in the way we promote, attract and retain our audiences using digital products and social media. How can we develop this digital offer so that it is coherent, meaningful and faithful to the missions and values of our organisations? Furthermore, how do we survive financially when our audience moves online? Stephane Berghmans and François Quéré tackle three key points: the evolution of our business lines for better science communication, new performance indicators & evaluation tools and how to create sustainable economic models in order to thrive in a new, digital world.

Session convenors:

Mikko Myllykoski, Heureka (Vantaa, Finland)
Dorothée Vatinel, Universcience (Paris, France)
Session speakers:

Stephane Berghmans, CEO, Technopolis (Mechelen, Belgium) 
François Quéré, Director of Audience Development and Communication, Universcience (Paris, France)


  • #Ecsiteonline