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65+ Directors and Senior Managers of Full Ecsite member organisations gathered in Barcelona last month for the 2018 Ecsite Directors Forum, hosted by The Natural Sciences Museum of Barcelona, together with Barcelona Ciència. Attendees explored the topic "Science engagement organisations as Citizen labs" and discovered Barcelona’s vibrant citizen-led innovation scene.
Ecsite is turning 30. As part of a whole season of anniversary happenings, we are looking for an outside creative team to develop and deliver several festive interventions at the 2019 Ecsite Conference next June. Pitch by 7 January.
A Transnational research project aiming to tackle ocean microplastic pollution through raising public awareness, promoting behavioural change, using new recycling methods and more. Application deadline: 28 February.
An interdisciplinary call with a strand on "impacts of economic activities on ecosystems, human societies including human health and well-being, cultures and economies". Deadline for pre-registrations: 31 January.
Join the internationally recognised Science Communication Unit (SCU) at The University of the West of England (UWE), Bristol.
Hungry readers and potential authors, submit article ideas through this simple form by 19 December 2018.
Ecsite members have already benefitted from about €10.000 for their previous mobility projects. You could be next!
King's College, Cambridge, wishes to appoint a Junior Research Fellow starting 1 October 2019 for a four-year faculty level position in the interdisciplinary field of Science Communication.
As the Curator of the Science Gallery Melbourne, you will focus on the curation and production of Science Gallery Melbourne’s themed seasons for 2019 and 2020.
Each season will include:
In partnership with UNESCO, science centres and museums worldwide celebrated the third edition of the International Science Centre and Science Museum Day (ISCSMD) on 10 November.
Digital Spokes magazine
Spokes is the monthly magazine of Ecsite, the European network of science centres and museums. Hear the latest news from European science engagement, go further with in-depth features and make the most of the good reads, events and opportunities shared by Ecsite members.
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