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External events

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External events

E.g., 2024-07-03
Local/national conference 1 December 2010 - 3 December 2010

The Directors’ Forum is an event for the directors of all Full Members of Ecsite to come together and tackle key questions in our field. Faced with an ever-changing society and economy, how do science centres and museums adapt to the challenges that these changes bring? Among the the Natural History Museum’s awe-inspiring 70 million specimens, we will look at the types of change that affect us, and the changes we make as an institution.

See the Directors’ Forum page for more details.

Local/national conference 18 November 2010 - 19 November 2010
Rotterdam, Netherlands

Ecsite presents discussion games on migration at the IDEA conference

The International Debate Education Association (IDEA) in cooperation with the Open Society Youth Initiative are organising a two-day conference on 19-20 November 2010 in Rotterdam, the Netherlands.

Workshop 30 November 2010 - 2 December 2010
Vienna, Austria

FUND encourages collaborations and networks at local level to create democratic dialogue and engagement activities with science.

Local/national conference 2 November 2009 - 5 November 2009
Paris, France

“High Tech! High Touch!” What is the future of children museums? Are they going to turn into digital places or continue to give priority to traditional mediation?

From 3rd until 6th November 2009, la Cité des sciences et de l’industrie, in partnership with the European association of children’s museums Hands On! Europe, hosts the 7th International Conference of Hands On! Europe.

Other 2 September 2009 - 3 September 2009
Trieste, Italy

On 3rd and 4th September 2009, science communication professionals met in Trieste to discuss future developments for the dialogue game Decide and other such dialogue activities.

Local/national conference 30 June 2010 - 5 July 2010
Turin, Italy

The next Euroscience Open Forum (ESOF2010) will take place in Torino, Italy, on 2-7 July 2010, under the slogan “Passion for Science”. It will be a unique opportunity to meet and discuss important issues in which science and technology play a central role.

Other 4 October 2009 - 5 October 2009
Mechelen, Belgium

The Advanced Science Communication Training Course, organised by Ecsite for the COST office, was carried out successfully on Monday 5th and Tuesday 6th October 2009.

Local/national conference 21 June 2009 - 22 June 2009
London, United Kingdom

The Science Communication Conference organised by the British Science Association and in partnership with the Wellcome Trust is taking place 22-23 June at Kings Place, central London. The 2009 Conference will be addressing the key issues facing science communicators today, bringing together those engaged in public engagement and is a fantastic opportunity to network, share ideas and good practice.

Other 16 February 2009
Brussels, Belgium

The Ecsite network is developing its role of raising the profile of science centres and museums among the European institutions. In this context, Ecsite is organising an event at the European Parliament in Brussels February 18th, 2009 to promote the importance of our field to officers of the European Commission and parliamentarians. As part of this event, we will present five selected best practices in informal learning and engagement activities from Ecsite members across Europe.

Local/national conference 26 June 2009
Rehovot, Israel

The Symposium “Looking to the future of Science centers” is going to take place in the Weizmann Institute of Science, Israel, on June 28th, 2009. The symposium will take place on the event of marking the 10th anniversary of the Clore Garden of Science, and the retirement of its funding director, Dr Moshe Rishpon.


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Spokes is the monthly magazine of Ecsite, the European network of science centres and museums. Hear the latest news from European science engagement, go further with in-depth features and make the most of the good reads, events and opportunities shared by Ecsite members.

Spokes magazine #34, June 2024

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