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External events

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External events

E.g., 2024-07-22
Other 22 November 2013 - 23 November 2013
Grenoble, France

CCSTI Grenoble will organize a VOICES public event as part of the European Week for Waste Reduction. The VOICES consultation showed French citizens are particularly concerned about product lifespan. To look more closely at this issue, a week of repair and reuse activities will be held in different local associations: concrete workshops or demonstrations about how to repair, reuse collect and sell waste objects. Open door events and workshops will give concrete examples of how Grenoble can deal with its urban waste, innovating in order to make waste a resource.

Other 22 November 2013
Ljubljana, Slovenia

Wasteologies! Come and join the House of Experiments, the Slovenian “hands-on” Science Centre, in Gimnazija Ledina secondary school and on the streets of beautiful Ljubljana city centre, to get involved in the dissemination of the VOICES outcomes and look at ways urban waste can be used as a resource in Slovenia.

Other 25 October 2013 - 15 November 2013
Naples, Italy

Naples is a city that has had more than its fair share of experience on the topic of urban waste. During the waste crisis that peaked in the summer of 2008, the science centre Città della Scienza played a crucial role as an interface for the public, researchers and city government.

Other 27 July 2013
Dublin, Ireland

The Maker Faire is the Greatest Show (and Tell) on Earth; a free, all ages showcase of invention, creativity and resourcefulness; a celebration of the Maker movement; a vibrant gathering place for innovators, tech enthusiasts, educators, engineers, scientists, authors, artists, students, and exhibitors. The second annual Dublin Mini Maker Faire (DMMF) took place at Science Gallery and Trinity College Dublin: the ideal dissemination event for the VOICES outcomes in Ireland.

Local/national conference 18 October 2013 - 21 October 2013
Albuquerque, United States

The Association of Science-Technology Centers (ASTC) is looking for ways to create greater synergies between these annual professional exchanges throughout our science center and museum world. With this goal in mind, ASTC would like to invite those who have registered for regional science center and museum conferences this year, and who are not currently ASTC members, to join your colleagues at the 2013 ASTC annual conference on October 19-22, 2013 in Albuquerque, New Mexico.

Workshop 30 November 2013 - 6 December 2013
Munich, Germany

Science Museum and School: A Cooperation to improve teaching, learning and discovery – European Training Course for Teachers and Museum Explainers, 9th Edition, Munich, Germany, 1-7 December 2013

The course aims to encourage the use of the museum as a teaching and learning resource in science education and to contribute to the enrichment of professional knowledge and expertise in using museums.

International conference 6 June 2013
Göteborg, Sweden

VOICES was publicly presented, for the first time, during the ECSITE Annual conference, that took place in Gothenburg, Sweden, on June 6-8 2013 with 1058 participants.The Conference is the most prominent meeting of science communication professionals in Europe.

Local/national conference 28 May 2013 - 30 May 2013
Derry-Londonderry, United Kingdom

For 22 years now, the EBN Congress has attracted international decision-makers, business frontrunners, innovation centres, incubator managers, business analysts and angels, investors, policy-makers, academics and role model in their respective sectors. This year, the EBN Congress will be hosted by NORIBIC (with the support of Irish BICS and in association with Invest Northern Ireland), The Northern Ireland Business & Innovation Centre and EBN in Derry~Londonderry, Northern Ireland.

Workshop 30 November 2013 - 6 December 2013
Munich, Germany

Science Museum and School: A Cooperation to improve teaching, learning and discovery – European Training Course for Teachers and Museum Explainers, 9th Edition, Munich, Germany, 1-7 December 2013

The course aims to encourage the use of the museum as a teaching and learning resource in science education and to contribute to the enrichment of professional knowledge and expertise in using museums.

Local/national conference 28 November 2012 - 29 November 2012
Brussels, Belgium

Building on the great success of last year’s event, ESG2012 brings together top-level researchers, science leaders, and policy makers to examine gender issues that impact on the implementation of the upcoming Horizon 2020, the European Research Area, and Innovation Union.


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