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External events

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External events

E.g., 2024-07-22
Workshop 8 December 2016 - 9 December 2016
Cologne, Germany

The Space Group is meeting at the European Astronaut Centre in Cologne in December! Let us know asap if you will be able to join us!

International conference 18 March 2016
Barcelona, Spain

The 1st HEIRRI Conference, Teaching Responsible Research and Innovation at University, scheduled to take place on 18 March 2016 in Barcelona is now open for registration

Workshop 3 November 2015 - 4 November 2015
Milan, Italy

Attend the next Space Group Annual Meeting in Milan, italy on 3-4 November 2015, which promises to be two days full of energizing discussions on collaborative projects, networking, and building partnerships, exchange of ideas and best practices.

Festival 25 September 2014 - 26 September 2014
bruxelles, Belgium

A classic... The European Researchers' Night takes place every year all over Europe and beyond the last Friday of September. In 2014, these popular science events are happening on Friday 26 September in around 300 cities located in 24 European and neighbouring countries.

Local/national conference 5 November 2014 - 6 November 2014
Heildelberg, Germany

This conference's topic perfectly resonates with the 2015 Ecsite Annual Conference 'Food for curious minds' theme. The focus of this meeting will be on the impact food has on our body and mind, both from the long-term evolutionary perspective and from the perspective of everyday life. The conference programme will highlight the biological and cultural processes through which food both defines us and transforms us. Metaphorically, as well as literally, in what sense are we what we eat? Register by 9 October (fee: 40 euros).

International conference 22 September 2014 - 26 September 2014
Helsinki, Finland

ICEE, the International Committee on Exhibitions and Exchanges, builds bridges within the community of Exhibitions and Museums. This year’s conference is entitled “Involving New Museums, New Partners and New Incentives in Exhibition Making and Exchange”.

Local/national conference 6 April 2014 - 7 April 2014
Hannover, Germany

The 16th European Forum on Eco-innovation will take place in Hannover, Germany on 7 and 8 April 2014, under the title ‘Wasted potential! Towards circular economy in cities’.

Other 26 January 2014
Granada, Spain

Save the date! The next Space Group meeting will be in sunny Granada, Spain! Parque de las Ciencias will be hosting us on Monday January 27th 2014.

Other 16 November 2013 - 17 November 2013
Granada, Spain

In Spain, VOICES focus groups highlighted what needs to change for a zero waste society, in terms of citizenship, policy, and research and innovation. The VOICES public event in Granada builds on these outcomes, with a Maker Faire, debates, workshops, pavilions and a range of exhibitions, bringing together the public, schools, research centres, politicians, universities, artists and craftsman to see how we can truly make the most of urban waste as innovation.

Other 23 November 2013
Lisbon, Spain

VOICES outcomes will be disseminated in Lisbon as a key part of Portugal’s National Science and Technology Week, directly after the Ecsite Directors’ Forum which brings together science centre and museum directors from across Europe. The public event combines three distinct elements: an exhibition, a Maker Faire and a conference.


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Spokes magazine #34, June 2024

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