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Annual Conference sessions

The first Ecsite Conference took place in 1989. Here you can browse all Conference sessions since 2010. Use the search engine to look for people, topics...

Looking for an older session? Our digital records start in 2007, with programme pdfs attached to each conference page

Human Resources
Heather KingElaine ReganMarjolein van BreemenMeie van LaarMaria Xanthoudaki

What kind of teacher training and professional development do informal science institutions offer that other providers do not? What resources, experiences and expertise can we provide that are better than those available elsewhere? In this...

Explainers & visitor services
Moeko TABATALech NOWICKIAlexandra LangFabrice JouvenotMichael BradkeTOMONORI HAYAKAWA

An exhibition is a set of exhibits wherein the visitor walks through, touching nd experiencing one after the other. From time to time, however, our visitors like like to have real person-to-person contact. The visitor wants to talk, demonstrate...

Explainers & visitor services
Sally Duensing

This session will focus on museum practice and research insights for designing spaces appropriate for social situations and why this matters when thinking about spaces that facilitate learning. Presentations will discuss intentions and outcomes...

Strategy & vision

Sustainable development will be high in political and media agenda with the Rio+20 Conference coming up in June 2012. This is a wonderful opportunity for our institutions not only to reinforce public awareness of environmental issues but also to...

Strategy & vision

Martin Rees, Professor of Cosmology and Astrophysics at the University of Cambridge, gave a speech entitled "Space exploration, life and the cosmos".

The space age is little more than 50 years old but space technology already pervades our...

Science in Society
Tânia Margarida CostaPenny FidlerAna Noronha

At its heart, science is a practical, hands-on subject. Scientists must explore, test, experiment and investigate over time and across nations to gain new insights of how we humans, and the world around us works. However, the amazing careers and...

Sara SummersMoeko TABATADavid TombolatoDave Patten

How do we communicate scientific information effectively through colors, shapes, animations, and other visual means? Visualization enables visitors to think in creative ways about the information in front of them, bringing brand new perspectives...

Jamie BellTanja van der WoudeGabriel PicotPriya Mohabir

Informal science centres are great places to use media in education and training. In this session we will highlight informal science initiatives that promote digital and media competence at different levels of education. Participants will have an...

Networking & Partnerships
Barbara StreicherAntonia CaolaBernard AlauxLaurence Muller

How do science centres link with the innovation sector (companies, research institutions, etc.)? Do we go beyond treating partners as potential sponsors by inviting them as active subjects in shaping our content? Do we convey to our audiences...

Science in Society
Micol MolinariBeth HawkinsJane DowdenBeth Hawkins

It is vital to remember that science is never ‘fact’ but comprises a set of models that best explain the way the world works. Will these theories change? Only time will tell. As scientists and science communicators, we must always keep the...


Different approaches to social networking are possible because it is a continuously evolving medium. But what seems to be of primary interest is stimulating dialogue. Compared to the official character of a press office, social networks allow...

Networking & Partnerships

This session will assess the contribution of the science centre community to achieving the United Nations Millennium Development Goals established in the UN’s Declaration on Environment and Development at Rio de Janeiro in 1992. The Toronto...
