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Annual Conference sessions

The first Ecsite Conference took place in 1989. Here you can browse all Conference sessions since 2010. Use the search engine to look for people, topics...

Looking for an older session? Our digital records start in 2007, with programme pdfs attached to each conference page

Theory of science communication

How do we communicate science and involve citizens in the latest developments of scientific research? Theatrical science communication, participation techniques, mobile bus laboratories and science circus are presented – live and in action...

Explainers & visitor services

Many science centres and museums work with real scientists as a source of knowledge for developing exhibitions, interactive activities and public meetings with visitors. Scientists have a detailed knowledge of their field, they know about the...

Exhibit development

Eco-designing an exhibition means factoring in the ecological footprint of the exhibition’s manufacture, from its creation through to recycling. In this session, we will try to provide pointers on the additional constraint of eco-designing...

Operations & finance

Efficient planning of resources in science centres is very important, certainly in times of economic crisis. Visitor numbers have the biggest influence on the use of resources. Forecasting of visitor numbers is thus crucial. The presenters in...

Operations & finance

What is the value of intellectual property in the science centre industry? What are the risks of buying copies of exhibits? What are the risks for fabricators of going “open source”? If we acknowledge the source of an exhibit idea, is...


Today’s popular and academic literature is filled with a broad spectrum of opinions about how technology is changing our culture. The implications for museums are potentially wide-ranging and profound. This session will investigate how trends in...


Many science centre managers feel like “kamikaze pilots” trying to manoeuvre in the rugged waters of science centre management, facing risks and uncertainties from early planning throughout financing and into implementation. Risk and uncertainty...

Exhibit development

Looking to rent or buy travelling exhibitions? This year, we take another look at travelling exhibitions on science, available now and coming soon across Europe. This rapid-fire session will give you a glimpse of the huge range of exhibitions on...

Science ♥ society
Ortwin Renn

Ortwin Renn, Professor and Chair of Environmental Sociology and Technology Assessment at Stuttgart University, gave a speech entitled "Why do people fear what they fear? The psychology of risk".

Risk perceptions have a reality of their own...
