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Annual Conference sessions

The first Ecsite Conference took place in 1989. Here you can browse all Conference sessions since 2010. Use the search engine to look for people, topics...

Looking for an older session? Our digital records start in 2007, with programme pdfs attached to each conference page

Science in Society

Despite the great significance of the impact of science on our history and our daily lives, science is not routinely considered as a key cultural value in our societies. In this session we will hear from three EU funded projects: PLACES, CASC and...

Exhibit development

There are many communication products on sustainable development, bringing all sorts of media into play. The theme is the focus of government announcements, advertising by big industrial groups and communication by political parties, among others...

Marketing & communication

In 399 BC, Socrates was condemned to death for attempting to ”corrupt the young” in teaching philosophy and reason based on observation. In the 1970s and 80s, education on “risky behaviour” focused on alcohol, cigarettes and drugs. Perhaps today...

Marketing & communication

Museums are meeting places. Spaces to enhance socialisation are then necessary. Museums’ shops and restaurants respond to this need. They help reinforce the fascination of cultural institutions and give allure to merchandises and the buying...
