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Sustainable Development Goals: making us more relevant?

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The session revolves around the United Nations’ 17 Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), which are designed to produce a secure, peaceful, just and sustainable world. Last November on the occasion of the first International Science Center and Science Museum Day (ISCSMD), our sector explored the role it can play in connecting visitors to the different Sustainable Development Goals that together encompass the major challenges facing mankind today. 

This session will focus on the many kinds of activities that can be organised by science centres and museums to connect visitors to the goals. Examples range from large-scale events to modest one square meter exhibits, showing visitors that they too have a part to play and inciting them to think further about these problems and to take part in solving them. Will science centres working with the SDGs thus become more relevant? Is this approach suitable for all science centres and museums? 




Session speakers

Project Manager
Development & Experience Design
Den Haag