fbpx Space for all, Space for Earth - day 1 | Ecsite

Space for all, Space for Earth - day 1

Bringing Space “down to Earth” is a priority for the Space sector. Space is a vantage point for monitoring our ever-changing planet – from floods and forest fires to changes in ice cover and rising sea levels. Europe plays a leading role in this field; its Earth Explorer missions address pressing scientific and societal challenges and push the boundaries of our understanding of how Earth works.

Moreover, in the use of space technologies and Earth Observation data for new purposes and applications for the Earth, citizen engagement is increasingly a sought-after component via consultations, debates, contributions to citizen science, data validation or hackathons. What role can science centres and museums play in these developments and how can we take advantage of the opportunities opened up to engage audiences with Space and topical issues such as innovation, smart cities and sustainable development challenges? How can our community make sure that all citizens – no matter their gender and learning style – are welcome to Space?

This workshop is organised by the European Space Agency – ESA – and the Ecsite Space Group, the Ecsite thematic group that aims to improve and extend communication about space science by helping science centres, space professionals and non-specialists to develop collaborative projects and events. The workshop is open to all, join!

A more detailed programme can be checked here.


Executive Director of Ciência Viva
Exhibitions, Shows and Development Director
Head of Outreach Coordination office
European Space Agency

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