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The sound of silence

We have all experienced the hustle and bustle, the sometimes overwhelming background noise of people and exhibits inside interactive exhibitions. Sound is an important contributor to the museum experience, but it is an aspect that is often overlooked during the design of an exhibition and rarely monitored during its operation.

In this workshop we will discuss different shades of sound and silence. We will start by introducing recordings of typical sound levels from our organisations, and an expert will outline the psychological effects of sound/noise on exhibition visitors. From there, we will explore how sound can raise issues, especially for visitors with sensory processing disorders.

Can we design sound - or silence ? Can we control sound - or silence? If you are keen to share the way your organisation deals with sound and want to hear how other people and organisations do this, this session is the place to be.


Session speakers

Content Strategy and Development
Esther will present recordings of typical sound levels from our organisations.
Junior Project Manager
Michał will talk about challenges and barriers that sound can create on exhibitions for visitors - from simple fatigue to accessibility for people with sensory processing disorders.
Head of Communications & PR
Antonia will discuss the empiric results of a very recent research on the impact of sound on the fruition of the museum cultural offer
Head of Content, New Interactive Gallery
United Kingdom
Lorna will share their investigations into creating anechoic (or at least very quiet!) spaces within a new interactive gallery, where visitors notice the lack of sound, something we can’t often experience.