fbpx Natural history museums: what next? - day 1 | Ecsite

Natural history museums: what next? - day 1

Natural history museums play an important role in bridging communication gaps between science, society and politics. In times of growing urgency we have to act against a variety of environmental issues such as climate change and loss of biodiversity as well as societal difficulties that go along with loss of trust in science and policy. This two-day workshop gives you an insight into eight of the newest major projects in the field, takes a look at how current issues influence permanent exhibitions, galleries and programmes of our museums and opens up discussion regarding FridaysForFuture / youth NGOs and the European Commission: do we meet their needs and expectations?

Day one focuses on recently-opened institutions and day two will present examples of museums due to open or in their conceptual stage, before we draft recommendations for future common projects in round table discussions.

This workshop is organised by the Ecsite Nature Group, a thematic group that brings together professionals and institutions who engage audiences with nature. The workshop is open to all, join!

A more detailed programme can be found here.


Head of Museological Projects

Session speakers

Science, Collection, Exhibition
Senior Scientist, Collection and Exhibition manager
The youth ignited the climate Change debate. Naturama and a regional newspaper took the challenge and aimed to collect views and opinions on how to tackle the climate change challenges. What are we ready to change in our behavior to reduce our CO2 footprints, and what do we accept of political demands affecting our social and economic daily life?
Annemarie van Eekeren
head of exhibitions and collections
NEMO Science Museum develops programs and exhibits on science, technology and global challenges like climate change. In our new temporary venue, NEMO De Studio, we program on these issues especially for adult groups. We are experimenting with new forms of interaction to engage public with different views. We will share our first experiences.
MAcA – the Environmental Museum located in Torino is the first Museum in Europe entirely dedicated to environmental issues. It plays a role in the recent global youth movement connected to Fridays for Future. Paolo Legato will share experiences on how the youth used “his” museum as a venue for inviting politicians, something the museum has not been successful in before.
Head of Exhibitions
The "new" Naturalis was opened in September 2019. Caroline Breunesse will present the concept and strategies behind the project that presents the newest Natural History Museum worldwide.
head of design and digital
Copenhagen is building a complete new Natural History Museum that will open in 2025. This presentation will reveal the ideas but also the experiences from the first idea through raising money to actually starting the construction.
Former Deputy Director
The Natural History Museum Aarhus is in the initial stage of rebuilding, aiming to open in 2026. Henrik Sell shares the process defining space, distribution, location, business model and overall strategy for the new Museum.
Curator, Exhibitions and Knowledge Transfer
Berlins Natural History Museum received 660 Mio Euros for a complete renewal over 10 years. Linda Gallé will present the concepts and the strategies of the "Zukunftsplan". What is Berlin’s vision of the Museum of the future?
Naturhistorisches Museum Basel
Basel will also get a new Museum Building – meaning the Natural History Museum is planning new exhibitions and communication programs. Here are insights to the history and future of this project.
Operational Director Public Program
Pierre Coulon will present the making of "Living Planet", a major contribution to the communication portfolio of the Royal Belgian Institute of Natural Sciences.
