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Fake and 'bubble'? A new era for social media

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Social media has recently become even more politicised and influential as a communications tool, for good or bad, and fake news and the 'bubble' effect have become real issues. Where is this going? What does it mean for social media? What does it mean for individuals, groups, science centres, and museums, and for science communication in general? Social media can still drive engagement and make people interested in our exhibits and work, but before 'joining the conversation' some questions do need to be considered, especially in today's political and social environment:

How powerful can social media be?
Who/what are we speaking for?
Is social media becoming too politicised? What is not acceptable to tweet/message?
How engaging can an institution be? How should our institutions use social media to respond to 'alternative facts'?
How can you tweet as an individual outside an organisation?

Looking both at institutions and individuals, this session will focus on Twitter and other social media, and will discuss best practices and examples, as well as sharing tips as a group.


Head of Communication Office

Session speakers

Peter Trevitt Consulting Ltd
United Kingdom
Raquel da Cunha, Ecsite
Strategic Project Manager