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Coordinating national initiatives of science communication

This session will explore the challenges and opportunities of coordinating collaborations with a nationwide scope and compare solutions in different European countries. What kind of projects need national collaborations? What are the challenges of creating collaborations between sometimes very different players? What are the characteristics of successful nationwide science communication projects?

The session will draw on the experiences of four leading national science communication organisations and will consist of several rounds of provocative statements to which first each panelist and then the audience responds.


Executive Manager

Session speakers

Managing Director
Wissenschaft im Dialog
Markus is the CEO of Wissenschaft im Dialog in Germany and knows the challenges of national initiatives very well.
Philipp Burkard
Philipp is the CEO of Science et Cité in Switzerland and knows the challenges of national initiatives very well too.
Intersection. Centre for Science and Innovation
Aleksandra Drecun is the President of Intersection – Center for Science and Innovation, Belgrade, a regional action tank engaged in science-society interface.
