fbpx MUSE grand opening: 27 July 2013 | Ecsite

MUSE grand opening: 27 July 2013

Museo delle Scienze
A: Via Calepina 14 I - 38122 TRENTO (Italy)
T: +39 0461 270 307
M: +39 320 922 4752
F: +39 0461 270 322

The eagerly-awaited MUSE – Museo delle Scienze opens its doors on 27 July 2013 in Trento, Italy. “Active, attractive and memorable are the three words that will best define the new science museum,” says Antonia Caola, MUSE’s Head of International and Public Affairs.

Visitors to MUSE will learn about science and technology from an environmental sustainability perspective; they will see how science, technology and innovation can contribute to finding effective solutions for the future of our planet.

MUSE will also tap in to the growing maker movement with its personal digital fabrication laboratory – a FabLab – encouraging young professionals and sci-tech enthusiasts to tinker their way to innovation heaven.

MUSE will host the Ecsite Annual Conference in spring 2015.
