EXTRA, the marketplace for scientific touring exhibitions.
Insects are everywhere: from the tropics to the poles, on land, in air and in water - in fact more than three quarters of the known species are insects. They have an important role to play in the ecosystem, hence the need to understand and recognise their role in the world.
What better way to do so than through a series of interactive activities promoting meaningful learning and knowledge for children, youths and adults?
The exhibition is a guided tour in a spectacular display, where one can experience dozens of insects of the most impressive and beautiful species in the world: from the beautiful giant tropical beetles of Asia and South America, to grasshoppers and water insects.
The exhibition also features 3D models of insects up to two metres tall. It explores topics such as reproduction, size, strength and aggression, mimicry, adaptation to life in water and interrelationships of these creatures with human life, whether good or bad.
Insects also shows display panels with palpable heads and legs of various insects that can be observed and manipulated to better understand them.
Space required: 200 - 500sqmt / 2,000 - 5,000sqft
1 x 40ft HC container or truck
Load-in: 5 days
Load-out: 3 days