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EXTRA, the marketplace for scientific touring exhibitions.

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For rent

„Look! A robot! An expedition into the digital world“

Floor area
100 - 120m²
Landesmuseum für Kärnten
For rent

A multi-sensory feast of an exhibition!

Floor area
400 - 600m²
For rent

Colours reflect feelings, create moods, show us what the weather is like,
what season it is, and whether food is edible or inedible. The hands-on
exhibition "More than Colours" gets to the bottom of the phenomenon of color
through the lens of...

Floor area
100 - 120m²
Landesmuseum für Kärnten
For rent For sale

The most exciting scientific nerve tickling! Come and experience an
adrenaline-pumping adventure the likes of which has never been seen before at
AHHAA. True rush!

Floor area
500 - 700m²
AHHAA Science Centre Foundation