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Pandemics - Humans Dark Side

The history of the human race has been characterised by dozens of epidemics and pandemics caused by unknown viruses that we have come to know very well in recent times.

Pandemics - the exhibition

These events have transformed the societies in which they have appeared and, quite possibly, decisively changed or influenced the course of history and human affairs.

Often in past eras, when medicine was unable to give answers and explanations to phenomena of great effect such as the plague, theories and treatments were born result of superstitions such as the devil, witchcraft, vampires... The old story of scapegoats born of ignorance...

Over 50 exhibits will show the history of epidemics as well as the sad dark side humans showed when facing such calamities - a dark side which brought racism, prejudice and iniquities towards free thinkers and minorities.​

A powerful, entertaining, impressive exhibition with a highly educational value.


Space required: 200 - 400sqmt / 2,000 - 4,000sqft

1 x 40ft HC container or truck

Load-in: 5 days

Load-out: 3 days

Floor area

For rent

Setup time


Dismantling time




+44 (0)20 3745 5161 +31 (0)10 268 0187​



  • Pandemics
  • human body
  • devil
  • vampire
  • history of epidemics
  • Racism

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