fbpx The CLEVERFOOD Exhibition arrives in Gdynia, Poland | Ecsite

The CLEVERFOOD Exhibition arrives in Gdynia, Poland

Experyment educators around an exhibit of the CLEVERFOOD exhibition
Cleverfood exhibition at ExperymentLittle girl & woman near a fridge-shaped exhibitCleverfood exhibition at Experyment seen from aboveA lecture on health & nutrition at ExperymentYoung chef giving a cooking showTwo chefs cooking at a fairA chef presenting at a conferenceThree marine at a standKids and microscopeGroup picture

After its success in Budapest, the "CLEVERFOOD for everyone" exhibition is arriving in Poland! Our member Experyment Science Centre in Gdynia, located on the Baltic coast, is the next host of the exhibition. On 1st February 2025, they held a successful opening day, launched by the Vice-President of the city of Gdynia, in charge of education. Throughout the day, the Experyment educators organised guided visits to the exhibition, and animated science workshops. The celebration comprised a wide range of activities for all age groups, including zero-waste culinary shows by a MasterChef Junior 2022 winner Hela Kłobucka, lectures on nutrition by Gdańsk Medical University and Institute of Animal Reproduction and Food Research of the Polish Academy of Science, and interventions on food innovation by Gdynia Maritime University . Visitors could get a taste of sustainable food with top local restaurants such as Green Start Michelin restaurant Elixir, 3D Printed food by White Rabbit, and vegan delicacies by Atelier of Taste.

The exhibition will stay in Gdynia until 3rd of June 2025, and the Experyment Science Centre plans an exciting public engagement programme comprising food science & nutrition workshops for children, live cooking activities for adults and families, teacher open days, wild harvest city walks, lectures with scientists & food influencers and many more exciting activities to empower their visitors to take part in transforming our food systems.

The exhibition was co-created by the partners of the Horizon Europe CLEVERFOOD project, in a process coordinated by our member Pavilhão do Conhecimento - Ciência Viva Science Centre in Lisbon Portugal. Produced by our member Hüttinger Interactive Exhibitions, "CLEVERFOOD for everyone" is touring Europe until December 2026, following the European Union Presidency Semester. After a first stop Hungary, at the Museum of Hungarian Agriculture in Budapest, it is currently in Gdynia for the Polish European Presidency and will then be shipped to Ecsite member Experimentarium in Hellerup, Denmark. A call for tender for the 2026 hosts in Cyprus and Ireland is open until 10th of February 2025.

Can't catch the exhibition in these countries? The exhibition is available for virtual visits and we will have a special exhibit at the Trade Show of our 2025 Conference in Warsaw where you can come and learn more about the project.