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CLEVERFOOD aims to mobilise European citizens, including children and youth, farmers, entrepreneurs, investors, researchers, educators, knowledge brokers and policymakers to transform the European food system towards a more regenerative, resilient and plant-based food system.

CLEVERFOOD aims to mobilise European citizens, including children and youth, farmers, entrepreneurs, investors, researchers, educators, knowledge brokers and policymakers to transform the European food system towards a more regenerative, resilient and plant-based food system.

CLEVERFOOD proposes targeted support to ongoing and emerging projects, such as Living Labs and Policy Labs, partnerships and networks that share this goal on a local, regional, national or European scale. The areas of support include governance and policy, innovation, and business and finance, but also food system education and citizen engagement, two areas in which Ecsite and its members will play a leading role. 

With the help of a new food science education toolkit for formal, non-formal and informal settings, including science centres and museums, the competences of children and youth will be boosted. Similarly, a network to collaborate on transforming higher education teaching will also be established. 

The project will also answer the engagement and citizen science activities of Living and Policy Labs with advice and training, and designate and support permanent competence centres across Europe to ensure society-wide commitment to transform the food system.

A food system lab travelling exhibition will visit science centres and museums in 5 different countries, connecting with key events on the ground and introducing the theme of food system transformation to different audiences.

European Union flag CLEVERFOOD has received funding from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 Research and Innovation Programme under Grant Agreement no. 101086320.


  • food system
  • education
  • Citizen Engagement
  • citizen science

List of project partners

  • University of Copenhagen, Denmark (project coordinator)
  • Eurocities, Belgium
  • City of Milan, Italy
  • SUSMETRO, Netherlands
  • Wageningen Research
  • EIT FOOD, Belgium
  • Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam, Netherlands
  • ICONS, Italy
  • European Food Information Council (EUFIC), Belgium
  • Ellinogermaniki Agogi, Greece
  • ZonMw/JPI-HDHL, Netherlands
  • BEINfluence, Belgium
  • Slow Food, Italy
  • Tænketanken Frej, Denmark
  • Institute of Agricultural Economics, Hungary
  • Research Institute of Organic Agriculture (ÖMKI), Hungary
  • World Resources Institute, Netherlands
  • Vegetarian Society of Denmark, Denmark
  • SEGES Innovation P/S, Denmark
  • IrsiCaixa Living Lab for Health, Spain
  • Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development, Poland
  • Ciência Viva, Portugal


Practical guide or toolkit

How can we inspire learners of all ages to critically engage with the future of food? How do we empower educators, including science centres & museums, to explore food systems, sustainability, and health with their audience? The CLEVERFOOD project has gathered high-quality tools in its FOOD 2030 Science Education Toolkit, providing an interactive and thought-provoking way to address these pressing questions.

A Toolkit for Engaging Food Science Education

Education & learning, Topics in science