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STEM and science centre partnerships with developing countries

This interactive session will present collaborations with developing countries to implement science centres and STEM education projects, as well as insights from the 2nd Science Centre Global Workshop. Topics include:

* Working with developing countries to advance science centres and STEM education.
* Practical approaches towards some of the Sustainable Development Goals
* Building partnerships and projects between science centres and developing countries.
* Developing local expertise in STEM education and science centres.
* Benefits of partnerships to all sides and business opportunities.

Following short presentations, participants can describe and develop their own projects and ideas for working with developing countries, gaining knowledge and insight from their fellow peers.


Director - Schwartz-Reisman Science Education Centers
Weizmann Institute of Science

Session speakers

Robert Firmhofer
Copernicus Science Center and Mekelle University are developing collaborations focusing on Young Explorers Club Network and training in inquiry based learning together with Mekelle University staff in Ethiopia.
Eugene McDermott Chief Executive Officer
Perot Museum of Nature and Science
United States
The noted exhibition: Origins: Fossils from the Cradle of Humankind - The Perot Museum is currently working with Wits University and Maropeng (official visitors' center for the The Perot Museum worked with Wits University and Maropeng (the official visitors' center for the Cradle of Humankind, a World Heritage Site in the Magaliesberg region of Gauteng, South Africa) on the development of Origins: Fossils from the Cradle of Humankind which opened in Dallas in the Fall of 2019. The collaborative effort included exhibition development and fabrication, related professional development training for Maropeng museum staff, scholarly access to authentic fossil material, and the creation of educational outreach materials – all related to early human fossil finds in South Africa. Additional exhibit support – by means of a free downloadable APP - brings the fossil finds to life in 6 languages including three South African languages reflective of the region in which the fossils were found (Setswana, Sesotho and Isizulu). The Perot Museum is currently working to expand this partnership to Unizulu Science Center with CEO Derek Fish.
Carasso Science Park
Be'er Sheva
"Scientific Leadership" is a youth movement program that combines science study with promoting social leadership by providing a firm basis for many young people to study Science, Physics and Astronomy. After a training process, selected students operate community activities on a weekly basis, emphasizes experiential learning and scientific experimentation. Cooperation to establish the first scientific youth movement in Ethiopia based on the Israeli expertise of developing the "Scientific Leadership". My dream is to see the "Scientific Leadership" youth movement becomes an international one; thus, we will be interested to create a joint project with any country that would like to.
Unizulu Science Centre
Richards Bay
South Africa
Today there still is an enormous lack of science centers and science engagement activities in developing countries although these countries would benefit even more from it than people in the developed world. We present a concrete proposal to stimulate the development of science centers and science engagement activities in the developing world. We will introduce the 3 P’s: Plan, People and Pool and a timeline for the years to come.
Chief Executive
I will summarize the process that started in the first SCGW held in Israel, continued work in Ecsite and ASTC conferences, the outcomes of the Second SCGW held in Ethiopia, and how this combined work of many dedicated individuals and institutions is leading to projects that advance our field.
STEM Village Ethiopia
Addis Ababa
The development of Science Centers, Shared Science Campuses, and Science Museums will be described. How to build a network of STEM education in a developing country and how to implement collaborations with additional SC and institutions worldwide. The challenges of working within a developing country and how to overcome them.
