fbpx NANO2ALL in dialogue with stakeholders in Italy: What’s needed for societal engagement in nanotechnology? | Ecsite

NANO2ALL in dialogue with stakeholders in Italy: What’s needed for societal engagement in nanotechnology?

NANO2ALL multi-stakeholder dialogue participants at MUSE Science Museum, Trento, Italy

Nanotechnologies offer interesting promises to improve the quality of life in many areas. Alongside these promises, nanotechnology applications also raise public concerns about potential risks and associated social and ethical issues.

The NANO2ALL national multi-stakeholder dialogue held at MUSE, Italy, on the 21st of October 2017, brought together 12 participants representing different nanotechnology stakeholders with the goal of discussing how to better identify and integrate society’s needs and concerns in nanotechnology research and innovation processes.

By considering “future objects” developed by fellow citizens, envisaging several futuristic scenarios and changing perspectives and roles, participants delved enthusiastically into the topic of nanotechnology in the field of textiles. The last activity of the day, in particular, encouraged participants to identify the most suitable strategy (actions, interactions and their pre-conditions) that would lead to desirable and socially responsible research and innovation.

The need for widespread knowledge and competence was considered fundamental, alongside media that informs instead of merely advertising. You’ll find all these recommendations and more in the PDFs below. Five more multi-stakeholder events have taken place since; find out here what stakeholders in Israel, France, Poland, Spain and Sweden had to say.



  • nano2all
  • nano
  • nanotechnology
  • RRI
  • multiple stakeholder dialogue
