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Responsible Public Engagement

In policy and funding frameworks such as Responsible Research and Innovation (RRI), it's no longer an add-on process to inform the public about science, but a fundamental part of research and innovation. Responsibilities of science communication institutions grow as well – often presenting us with new opportunities but sometimes leaving us confused.

The session will start by introducing these developments, and specifically the concept of RRI. The Sparks project, which involves applying RRI to public engagement activities, will then be presented. Finally, we will work with the audience to inventory their experiences and views on RRI and to reflect on current changes in science communication practice.

RRI is changing science and innovation in Europe. Does it also require a new way of doing science engagement?


Consultant in educomms
A Mountain with Wings

Session speakers

Sarah R Davies
Professor of Technosciences, Materiality, & Digital Cultures
Department of Science and Technology Studies, University of Vienna
¨ I'm interested in how RRI relates to other developments in science communication. Is it something that communicators do, or something they communicate (or both)? And what does its integration into science, science communication, and citizenship really mean in practice? ¨
Events Manager
“How did you first meet with RRI? For me it was through a long and complicated official EU document. I realized I am facing a steep learning curve. Now we have much more developed understanding of the concept and many practical examples. Still I find it somewhat hard to “sell” the idea to my team, colleagues, project partners, scientists – or even the wider public. I would like to share my experience with you – and hopefully find more about RRI together.”
Jane Chadwick
Education and Learning Manager
Science Gallery Dublin
" As a cornerstone of research and innovation, RRI has huge potential as a process, invitation and tool for science communication institutions to use in working with stakeholders from across research, the arts, industry, education, civil society etc. At Science Gallery Dublin, we have experimented with tools and platforms that enliven RRI - through Research 'Lab in the Gallery', Open Calls, and most recently the establishment of our own SG Research Ethics Committee. "