“When an old man dies, a library burns to the ground”, says an African quote. Older people are a source of information about “modern times a long time ago” and can share their experiences with younger generations. How was life 60 years ago? How to use a typewriter? How to age happy and fulfilled? How to find one’s way without a GPS and friends without Facebook? Homo analogis meets digital natives and engages in a lively exchange about science and technology, life and society. Two examples of intergenerational programmes are presented: “Dialogue with Time”, an exhibition where seniors over 70 work as mediators; and the workshop “Raconte-moi tes techniques” where old and young share their knowledge about objects of different times, demonstrating that science and technology can foster intergenerational dialogue.
Head of Science and Didactic Department
Director of science mediation and education
Director of science mediation and education