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Optimizing our activities through gender awareness

Gender equality continues as a contentious issue in modern society, particularly with regard to women in science and research. Science centres and museums throughout the world play a crucial role in overcoming prejudices about science and technology careers for girls and boys. Activities and exhibitions in science centres and museums — along with their commitment to innovation and engagement — provide forums for all visitors to consciously and subconsciously reconsider gender stereotypes.

Perhaps the major differences between boys and girls can be found in our perception of them rather in their cognitive skills. We are all dependent on our stereotypes but these can be challenged and changed when we find out that things can be different. Science centers and museums are able to play a role here and create examples of gender mainstreaming within science education, innovation activities and science communication, which may prove invaluable to the future of scientific innovation.

Session speakers

Science Centre Miami
United States
Senior Research Fellow
IOE (UCL's Faculty of Education & Society)
United Kingdom
Programme Manager - International Relations and Learning

Session speakers

Science Centre Miami
United States
Senior Research Fellow
IOE (UCL's Faculty of Education & Society)
United Kingdom
Programme Manager - International Relations and Learning