The general public is made up of so many different audiences. Some are particularly difficult to reach while others have specific needs – both cases require special attention. Building on the speakers’ experiences, this session aims to reflect on the issues related to reaching various types of specific audiences. Let’s vary our outlook and our approach (and be innovative!) in order to be more inclusive.
From the deaf community to young prisoners, from underprivileged suburbs to an oncology department in a hospital, various audiences and environments have their own specific constraints as well as general outreach issues. Four speakers will each speak for ten to 15 minutes not only to describe their project, but also to share their thoughts on the issues at hand and discuss how we can try to overcome them. Difficulties, successes, and lessons learned on a wider level will be presented.
The remainder of the time (30 to 40 minutes) will be for a round-table discussion with the audience. Five to ten minutes before the end of the discussion, the participants will be asked to each write and stick on a board a couple of strong ideas and take-home messages from the session.