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The EuroMediterranean Partnership: A common framework for science centres

The Lisbon Treaty commits the EU to the “development of a special relationship with neighbouring countries aiming to establish an area of prosperity and good neighbourliness, founded on the values of the Union and characterised by close and peaceful relations based on cooperation.” The Euro-Mediterranean Partnership, formerly known as the Barcelona Process, was re-launched in 2008 as the Union for the Mediterranean with the aim to infuse a new vitality into the partnership and to raise the political level of the strategic relationship between the EU and its southern neighbours. Special emphasis is given to topics like climate change, energy, transport or migration, and on social and cultural initiatives to bring people together and to encourage greater intercultural dialogue and mutual understanding in the Euro-Mediterranean regions. How can science centres collaborate at the regional level to contribute to this Neighbouring policy? Representatives of science centres from Ecsite and NAMES, the North Africa and Middle East Science centers network, join a representative from UNESCO in this session.

Session speakers