fbpx The renewed and expanded Heureka will be opened at the end of January | Ecsite

The renewed and expanded Heureka will be opened at the end of January

Heureka's extension, January 2017. Photo: Mikko Myllykoski / Heureka
Heureka's extension, January 2017. Photo: Mikko Myllykoski / Heureka

Heureka science centre has been renovated in phases between 2013 and 2016. The work culminates in the public opening, on 28 January 2017, of the extension built during the past year. There will be some 2,000 m2 of new public space. Of this area, 600 m2 will be taken up by the Cube Hall, a new exhibition hall that will allow Heureka to build more extensive temporary exhibitions.

The new Heureka will open on 28 January. The same day is the opening day of the Animal Inside Out exhibition in the new Cube Hall and the adjacent Vaulted Hall.

In addition to new space, the extension also brings entirely new kinds of content and action to Heureka. The new operations will deepen visitor participation and enhance the visitor experience. The Heureka experience will turn visitors into innovators.

New operations and facilities

The new creative building workshop, the Idea Workshop, will be the core of the new operations. In the Idea Workshop, visitors can experiment to develop and build solutions for various challenges using the available tools and materials. Visitors may also help define the challenges to be solved. The Idea Workshop is divided into two sections: the introductory area and the challenge area.

The introductory area has three open-ended workstations that motivate visitors to build and to create. The challenge area requires advanced problem-solving that takes more time. Guided building challenges are available for pre-booked groups. At other times, the challenges are open to all visitors.

The problem-solving activities in the Idea Workshop complement the basic purpose of the science centre. The Idea Workshop does not aim to repeat classic science experiments; its aim is to solve challenges through innovating, experimenting and building things. The workshop is a platform for creativity and innovation. In addition to learning about scientific phenomena in practice, visitors will also be able to apply the phenomena in their own creations.

Long-ranging innovation takes place in the Aha! Workshop, a new facility near the Idea Workshop. The Aha! Workshop has larger tools and machinery, which is why the workshop is only available for guided activities.

The extension also includes two new, state-of-the-art laboratories. The basketball rats and the science theatre also now have larger and more comfortable facilities in a central location. The core facilities will also include the Event Park, which will host various events all through the year.

The extension will include improved workshop and assembly rooms where future exhibitions will be built. Visitors will also be able to take a look at work in progress in the workshop through large windows.

For school groups, there will be a new, more private area for eating packed lunches. From the eating area, children will be able to follow the goings-on in the workshop and daily life at Heureka.

The new Heureka will open to visitors on 28 January 2017.


  • Heureka
  • extension
  • Finland


Heureka, the Finnish Science Centre

Heureka, the Finnish Science Centre, is a lively hands-on exhibition and activity centre for people of all ages and among Finland’s most popular leisure time destinations. Heureka opened to the public on April 28, 1989 and attracts nowadays on the average 300 000 visitors a year. Heureka has interactive exhibitions and a planetarium. Everything works in three languages: English, Finnish and Swedish. Heureka is located in the Helsinki metropolitan area, in city of Vantaa, Tikkurila, and it is open around the year. More information: www.heureka.fi