September 2015 - Selection of international conferences and courses
Each month, Ecsite lists upcoming international conferences, calls for papers and courses in science engagement. Send your event's information to if you want to appear in this monthly pick.
Call for papers and proposals
Call for "Inquiry based learning and Creativity in Science Education" International Conference, 9-10 October 2015, Athens, Greece
The conference bring together researchers, primary and secondary school educators to share their views and experiences and also to present best practices developed in the framework of the closing National SCIENTIX conference and the European CREAT-IT project closing International conference. The call for abstracts and proposals is open until 25 September. More information
Call for MuseumNext Dublin Fringe
MuseumNext's ambition is to act as a platform for showcasing best practice today to shine a light on the museum of tomorrow. The next European edition will be taking place on 19-20 April 2016 in Dublin, Ireland. A call is open to take part in the the fringe programme on Monday 18 April. Apply by 27 November. More information
UWE Science Communication Masterclass, 9-12 November, Bristol, United Kingdom
Bristol, 9-12 November. This Masterclass includes a wide range of topics such as historical and social contexts of science communication; scientific literacy and public understanding; publics and engagement; face-to-face, media and online methods of engaging with the public; and an interactive session where delegates will have an opportunity to present creative ideas, products, and examples. Registration now open. More information
Education for Sustainable Development (ESD) and Inquiry-Based Science Education (IBSE): Three European professional development sessions from September 2015 to December 2015
These free events are organised by SUSTAIN, a network aiming to develop inquiry-based science education (IBSE)-oriented educators and teachers’ continuing professional development (CPD), classroom activities and resources for Education for Sustainable Development (ESD)? The sessions are aimed at teachers, educators, project coordinators or educational experts. More information. There are still two topics to be covered:
- Everyday objetcs: 24-26 November, Leicester, UK
- Energy: 8-10 December, Dublin, Ireland
JCOM Masterclasses, autumn 2015, Trieste (Italy) - Special rate for Ecsite members
JCOM Masterclasses are short, intensive training courses to empower scientists, senior-middle managers of cultural institutions and other professionals to communicate science through different media to different audiences. Speakers and tutors are leading researchers and professionals in the field, who work on an international level. Both teachers and participants come from all over the world. A range of courses will be offered this autumn, around topics including museums, communication, exhibitions or facilitation. Staff of Ecsite member organisations get a 30% discount. Watch an introduction video about the courses and have a look at the schedule. Registration for courses on museums, facilitation and communication are open.
Conferences and meetings
MuseumNext, 25-26 September, Indianapolis, United States
MuseumNext's ambition is to act as a platform for showcasing best practice today to shine a light on the museum of tomorrow. MuseumNext Indianapolis brings the conference to North America for the first time. With over 30 speakers, 25 presentations, a MuseumCamp and two social events, the Indianapolis conference is hosted by the Indianapolis Museum of Art and will welcome over 200 delegates from museums around the world. More information
European Marine Science Educators Association (EMSEA) conference, 28 September - 1 October, Heraklion, Greece
The 3rd EMSEA Conference will focus on evaluating actions and methods as well as their impact on diverse audiences, including schools and aquariums. The second part of the Conference will concentrate on looking ahead into the future and shaping 'the way forward' for Ocean Literacy in Europe and beyond. More information
Museum Ideas, 1 October, London, United Kingdom
Hosted by the Museum of London, this leading international conference invites attendees to discover the latest groundbreaking ideas about participatory practice, leading-edge digital initiatives, innovative storytelling, interpretation and exhibition design, progressive public engagement, inventive and inclusive programming - plus pioneering new thinking for collections, leadership and the future of museums. The theme is "Museums Re-imagined in the Era of Participatory Culture". More information
“Inquiry based learning and Creativity in Science Education" International Conference, 9-10 October 2015, Athens, Greece
The conference bring together researchers, primary and secondary school educators to share their views and experiences and also to present best practices developed in the framework of the closing National SCIENTIX conference and the European CREAT-IT project closing International conference. More information
Energy Dialogue Event, 18 November, Brussels
The R&Dialogue project organises this event to promote exchanges between experts and civil society and considers dialogue as a tool to structurally improve science in order to achieve a low-carbon future. More information
The “Cognitive adventures” Conference, 9–10 November, Copernicus Science Centre, Warsaw, Poland
An international, interdisciplinary research conference: workshops, sessions, panel discussions, meetings with researchers and practitioners. The conference is aimed at scholars and practitioners, representatives of museums and science centres, educators and instructors. The conference aims at presenting relevant research findings, facilitating the sharing of experience and fostering closer links between scientists and practitioners from Poland and abroad. Registration for non-speakers open until 30 September. More information
Hands on! conference, 13-16 October, Amsterdam, Netherlands
300 professionals. The latest developments in children’s education in museums and science centres. Speakers include Gail Durbin and Yong Zhao. More information
4th International Public Communication of Science and Technology Conference (PCST)
The conference will be held on 26-28 April 2016 in Istanbul, Turkey. The theme is “Science communication in a digital age”. PCST conferences are a forum for discussing a wide range of issues in science communication practice, training and research. Registration open until 1 December. More information
2015 ASDC National Conference, 24 September, Bristol, United Kingdom
The UK Association for Science Discovery Centres will be holding its annual conference at the At-Bristol science centre. It will bring together professionals from the UK's leading Science and Discovery Centres, Science Museums, Natural History and Environment organisations as well as Public Engagement organisations and science-based visitor attractions. The theme for the 2015 conference is 'Tomorrow's World'. More information
Seventh International Conference on Science in Society, 1-2 October, Chicago, United States
The International Conference on Science in Society provides an interdisciplinary forum for the discussion of the past, present and future of the sciences. Contributions range from broad theoretical, philosophical and policy explorations, to detailed case studies of particular intellectual and practical activities at the intersection of science and society. The Conference and publications are located in a time of significant change in public and professional understandings of the relations between science and society. More information
SCICAMP - Project final conference about Science Holiday Camps, 7-9 October, Berlin, Germany
This conference is aimed at professionals interested in informal STEM education. Results of the three-year EU-Comenius SciCamp Project will be shared with the wider science engagment community. Participation is free of charge. More information
Association of Science-Technology Centers (ASTC) conference, 17-20 October, Montreal, Canada
The conference will be hosted by the Montreal Science centre. ASTC 2015 will offer more than 100 concurrent sessions organized around 11 different topic areas, as well as 10 preconference workshops. Register by September 25 to save up to $100 over onsite rates. More information
ERIH Annual Conference, 21-23 October, Pilsen, Czech Republic
The annual conference of the European Route of Industrial heritage will tackle the following topic: "How to attract new Audiences? New Ideas and Innovations for the Interpretation of Industrial Heritage". Registration open. More information
Genoa Science festival, 22 October - 1 November, Genoa, Italy
The programme will include talks, exhibitions, shows, special events... This edition's theme is "Equilibrium". More information
23rd Annual Conference of the Network of European Museum Organisations (NEMO), 5-7 November, Pilsen, Czech Republic
This year's theme is: "Re-visiting the educational Value of Museums – Connecting to Audiences". Register by 26 October. More information
Society for Social Studies of Science - 4S Annual Meeting, 11-14 November, Denver, United States
Society for Social Studies of Science is the oldest and largest scholarly association devoted to understanding science and technology. The Society for Social Studies of Science exists to facilitate communication across conventional boundaries that separate the disciplines and across national boundaries that separate scholars. More information