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Space and the Sustainable Development Goals

Science centres and museums can take advantage of the inherent wonder Space inspires in order to enhance their exhibitions and activities about sustainable development on Earth.

Explore how space science and technology contributes to the preservation of our planet and to delivering the United Nations' Agenda 2030, embodied by the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). Together with specialists from the European Space Agency and colleagues from the Ecsite Space Group, discuss how to take a more active role towards the implementation of the Tokyo Protocol signed during the Science Center World Summit in November 2017.

More about this session: After short, inspiring presentations, speakers will invite participants to join several smaller discussions organised around the conceptual and practical opportunities and challenges of including space topics in their exhibitions and activities. This session is organised by the European Space Agency – ESA – and the Ecsite Space Group, the Ecsite thematic group that aims to improve and extend communication about space science by helping science centres, space professionals and non-specialists to develop collaborative projects and events. The workshop is open to all, join!


Executive Director of Ciência Viva

Session speakers

Head of Outreach Coordination office
European Space Agency
Maria Menendez will highlight how Space contributes for the SDGs defined in the UN Agenda 2030. From monitoring crops and animals on land to providing communication links for tele-medicine, space technology is essential for sustainable development. A special ESA application maps SDGs with related Space programmes.
Head for Environment and Climate Policy
Tara Expeditions Foundation
André Abreu will talk about his experience in Tara Expeditions and how Space technology guides the schooner equipped with a lab across the ocean, enabling them to monitor climate change and the health of the ocean.
Hans Gubbels
Hans Gubbels will talk about the “Overview Effect”: the transformative potential of looking at the Earth in a planetary perspective for social responsibility, as a game changer in human behaviour towards a sustainable future. He will base his presentation on the Columbus Earth Center in Kerkrade (NL) where the overall experience on the visitors, including their mindset and behavior, is assessed.