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Tools & resources

In this section you will find useful documents and information on science engagement in general, and Ecsite activities in particular. Browse through articles, toolkits, reports, websites...

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Máire Geoghegan Quinn, EU Research, Innovation and Science Commissioner
Spokes resource
March 2014 - Máire Geoghegan Quinn, EU Research, Innovation and Science Commissioner recorded a video message which was broadcast at every VOICES Public Event.
EU and governance
Book or article
Spokes resource
March 2014 - The Mechelen Declaration was signed at the Science Center World Summit in Mechelen (Belgium) on 19 March 2014. It underlines science centres' changing role in engaging audiences with global challenges.
Ecsite corporate documents
position paper, Science Centre World Congress
Spokes resource
January 2014 - The Center for the Future of Museums' annual forecasting report, from the American Alliance of Museums. 2014 trends: Social Entrepreneurship | Multisensory Experiences | Big Data | Privacy | The Sharing Economy | Robots
Education & learning
trends, museums, center for future of museums, strategy, foresight
Material for workshops and exhibitions
Spokes resource
January 2014 - The European Space Agency has set up an exhibition on the Rosetta mission. This exhibition is freely available and usable by all Ecsite members. This exhibition may also complement the elements of the Campaign "Hook-up with Rosetta", designed by the Space Group. For the official ESA exhibition on Rosetta, you may find the links below.
Topics in science
Space, Rosetta, ESA, Exhibition
Book or article
Spokes resource
January 2014 - A 2014 article by Andrea Wiggins and Kevin Crowston Published on "First Monday"
EU and governance
citizen science, cs
Book or article
The Guggenheim Museum in Bilbao, Spain, designed by Canadian-American architect Frank Gehry. Photo Gugenheim Museum
Spokes resource
December 2013 - Design, just as art, has multiple definitions. Design is so simple, that’s why it is so complicated. A feature article by Maarten Okkersen published in Spokes#2, Winter 2013.
design, definition, sustainability, design thinking
Book or article
A focus group during the VOICES project
Spokes resource
December 2013 - EU-finded projects like VOICES are a big part of science centres' evolution towards forums where visitors can learn, discuss and even deliberate about matters related to science, technology and society. A feature article by Andrea Bandelli published in Spokes#2, Winter 2013
EU and governance
Practical guide or toolkit
Spokes resource
December 2013 - A series of recommendations for the design and development of activities aimed at facilitating adult engagement alongside their children in topics of science and technology within a museum or science centre setting. By Heather King. Produced in 2013 as part of EU-funded FEAST project.
Education & learning
recommendation, adults, parents, methodology, adult education, families, feast, engagement
Material for workshops and exhibitions
Spokes resource
December 2013 - Materials for five workshops, developed to assist museum educators who wish to further develop their ability to support parents and carers in their role as educators of their children. Produced in 2013 as part of EU-funded FEAST project.
Education & learning
workshops, families, explainers, adults, aeronautics, robots, fluids, mechanics, sound
Practical guide or toolkit
Spokes resource
December 2013 - A 2012 literature review by Heather King and Justin Dillon. Produced as part of EU-funded FEAST project.
Education & learning
bibliography, adults, methodology, adult education, families, feast, engagement
Spokes resource
October 2013 - What is on the five-year horizon for museums? A publication by the New Media Consortium
Education & learning
trends, policy, strategy, museums, nmc
Book or article
Spokes resource
October 2013 - The VOICES consultation process gathered opinions and ideas about urban waste from citizens across the EU. It used science centres and museums as powerful spaces for public engagement. The results were fed back to policymakers in order to influence the direction of EU research policy.
EU and governance
