EXTRA, the marketplace for scientific touring exhibitions.
The development is typical of the museums of that age: first a National Museum was established, and later the natural history departments formed a new museum. Now it belongs to the largest natural history museums in Europe, with 10 million specimens and a strong research and education staff, and, beyond classical and modern museum work, carries out nature protection and ecology researches too.
Typical branches of natural history are introduced simply, by beautiful graphics and interesting small objects. Once the collection, once the type of research, once the typical person (researchers) is in the foreground. The special installation, including smaller drawers for hands-on objects, make this exhibition peculiar.
The furniture comprises of "boxes" or "suitcases", which are supported by tripods (see picture gallery). From the side of the boxes smaller drawers may be pulled out. These contain details in information, or hands-on objects, or small items to handle, like, just one example, insect pins.
The exhibition was designed by the graphic and landscape planning company Pagony, with especial care.